So as you all know, I'm into pokemon, it's my jam. So like my previous mew drawing contest I wanna do another one, with the new games coming out soon the starters were released a few months ago. This is sobble and he has my heart, he's a little depressed lizard and I will protec with my life. Whoever draws my boy the best will get like 10-15mcs, who knows. Just draw, here are references. Deadline is for whenever i feel like someone did good enough
If you do digital I need a signature on the art and a picture of your ign on a piece of paper next to it
Alrighty So these are from 3-5 years ago This Broly was a 2017/2018 project that I haven't finished yet (but I will someday) because I started doing colored drawings and have focused more on those And these are my most recents that I have colored in. This I did on December 2018 And then this one I just finished last month So yeah I'd say those are my best ones from the last 10-15 years lol. More to come soon though