Drawing contest

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. So as you all know, I'm into pokemon, it's my jam.

    So like my previous mew drawing contest I wanna do another one, with the new games coming out soon the starters were released a few months ago.

    This is sobble and he has my heart, he's a little depressed lizard and I will protec with my life.

    Whoever draws my boy the best will get like
    who knows. Just draw, here are references.


    Deadline is for whenever i feel like someone did good enough
    Choochiiiiii, Jirachi123 and Whorcrux like this.
  2. O and as always, you must include your ign within the picture
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  3. can i draw him in black and white tho 🤔🤔
  4. Sure
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Sobble colors
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  7. Can I draw a togepi instead
    Sirrracha and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  8. No sobble only
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  9. Draw k
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  10. Yeah I’ll need a bento for that
    MiniMinx likes this.
  11. It's a contest dummy
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  12. Woah. Pokemon look different now 😯
  13. Hand drawn or digital or does it not matter?
  14. You should make a DBZ drawing contest and I will dominate this.
    TrippinOnAcid likes this.
  15. My Saiyan pride would whoop your monkey butt into shape
  16. And this contestant wants a bento dummy
    Sub and MiniMinx like this.

  17. Is that a challenge
  18. Whoop out ya sketch pad let's find out.
  19. If you do digital I need a signature on the art and a picture of your ign on a piece of paper next to it
    Jirachi123 likes this.
  20. Alrighty

    So these are from 3-5 years ago






    This Broly was a 2017/2018 project that I haven't finished yet (but I will someday) because I started doing colored drawings and have focused more on those


    And these are my most recents that I have colored in.

    This I did on December 2018


    And then this one I just finished last month


    So yeah I'd say those are my best ones from the last 10-15 years lol. More to come soon though
    RoseMilkTea, Kaho, Savazea and 2 others like this.