Dragon Ball Z

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Fletch-, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Hey guys

    So I've recently been watching a lot of YouTube videos and a certain guy I like to watch has been playing Dragon Ball Z:Ultimate Tenkaichi and I've had a massive craving to watch the series, but, there's a problem.

    I go on to the website and find out that because I live in England I can't watch it for free, so I thought I'd just buy the 24 season box set. Now I have bought the however many season of Friends in one big box set and it only set me back about £90 so I thought that the Dragon Ball Z one won't be much more, thing is, it's around £500 for all 24 seasons. That made me sad. I really love Dragon Ball Z
  2. Why don't you just read them?
  3. I prefer the shows and I don't know how to obtain the books
  4. Uh, how 'bout via website?
    There's like a bajillion manga readin' sites online.
  5. I suppose I could but I really just wanna watch the series because I did that as a child and I just sort of want to relive that and obtain that nostalgia feeling
  6. How about finding the seasons on ebay or amazon
  7. On amazon it's £500
  8. They have plenty of websites out you could always download the movies / shows :)
  9. If you could type a link for me I would really appreciate it but there are problems with my area having permission to let me download and watch it
  10. I love dragon ball z too
  11. Seven seasons of Friends<24 seasons of something else?
    Figured that'd be obvious
  12. DBZ
  13. Yeah but I didn't expect it to be 5 times as much