Does having preferences really make u bad

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. So I like dat white chocolate.
    And I be hearing that having preferences
    Is wrong.
    But can you blame a brother
    For having a natural attraction to da white woman
    Can you truly blame my biology???
    You like what you like right
    The heart wants what the heart wants
    And this heart wants all da white women
    So where da white women at
    But does it truly make me a jerk.
    For being attracted to certain features and people that a certain group of people may posses more than otha groups.
    DOES IT??
    Does IT?!
  2. Is this Jaco? Sounds like Jaco.
    But Jaco was obsessed with Latinas so it couldn't be Jaco.
  3. doesn't make you bad it's just super weird, weirdo. low-key fetishism, and I do kinkshame.

  4. Jacob, not "jAco," clearly prefers black queens over Latinas. He was never obsessed with Latinas.

    In fact, since he knows Africa's history; in particular, what the Spaniards did to his people, he probably harbors a lot of distrust towards their descendents.

    I never understood why people speak on topics they know absolutely nothing about. You only make yourself look stupid at the end of the day. Have a good week though, "pal."
  5. Some men and women prefer children we call them pedos etc … but that’s their preference
  6. Yes. How dare you.
    Unless it's food preferences.
    Then, no.
    But it's a poor choice. White chocolate is the worst chocolate.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  7. I like Italian food
  8. Italian food, Mexican food, and dark chocolate. 🤤 My preference is anything with carbs and sugar.
  9. This is true. White chocolate is bullshït
  10. Definitely Jaco
  11. I somehow always get the depressed and toxic ones, I think that I have a type.