Disney.. key giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jojo, Aug 21, 2015.


    Hey all,
    I'm a thread-making virgin, so try to be nice lol..
    Anyways, I absolutely love Disney movies. Sooo, for this giveaway, I want to know what your favorite is, and why?

    My favorite has always been Beauty & The Beast. -Que the theme song.- lol..

    I love the meaning behind it (prolly because I'm an old romantic soul). Even though the beast is ugly, Belle sees past his appearance and loves him for what's inside. So cute, lol.. I think it's a sweet message, because beauty really is only skin deep. It's what's inside that's most important. (All you shallow Hals will eventually learn that when you're old and wise – like me.)

    I think Disney movies give nice messages: anything is possible, there is such thing as true love, reach for the stars, yada, yada, yada..

    Summing it up:
    • The deadline for answers is in two days.
    • I'll gift 5 keys to my favorite answer.
    • I'm gifting 1 key to any others I like.
    • If yall ignore my thread I'll just keep all my damn keys to myself.

    Shoutout to Artsy (-_A_-CoupleOfJugs) for helping with the bb-coding.
  2. Does it have to be Disney princess movies or just any Disney movies?
  3. Any Disney movies ?
  4. My favorite is The Hunchback of Notre Dame because it taught me to not judge people because of who they are or what they look like.

    Just because someone looks different doesn't mean you should exile them and be rude because they might be your hero.

    And just because someone claims to be holy and have morals doesn't mean they do. Everyone has secrets and desires. You shouldn't follow leaders blindly, like many people do. You don't know what someone could really be hiding..
  5. I did a few bb-coding fails on you. ? Sorry. ?
  6. My favorite princess was Mulan. She wasn't the perfect girl to "bring honor to us all", but she still had amazing principles and a brave, kind heart to step in for her limping dad and charge towards battle. I like that she didn't need to rely on a prince in order to use her brain (as well as the help of a few side kicks) to help protect the emperor and defeat the Hans.

    Plus, it helps that she was the only Chinese "Disney princess", it gave me something to relate to :3
  7. Growing up it used to be Cinderella, but recently it changed to Alice In wonderland. My son was born 7 weeks early and the Dr's weren't sure if he'd make it. Everyday I would visit him in the NICU and read him a couple chapters from the book. After 5 weeks in the NICU he was able to come home. Ever since then the book and movie has meant a lot to me. He's a healthy 10 month old boy now.
  8. Aw I'm glad your son is doing well hun and I love both of those too
  9. Girl please its great ? I can't code at all! Thanks again suga mama <3
  10. good point
  11. I think my favourite has got to be Stitch has a glitch (Lilo and stich 2) because this shows how the bond of friendship can mean everything. When little Lilo watches her beloved pet from space die before her it is love that brings him back to life.

    Without love and friendship where would we all be today?
  12. the princess and the frog cause they finally made a black princess
  13. My favorite Disney movie (at least not a princess movie) has to be Pooh's Heffalump Tale or something like that. As a child I lived Winnie the Pooh, and that was one of my favorite movies. Everyone was scared of the heffalump, thinking it was a giant monster. But then Roo befriended that smaller one (forgot the name D:). She realized that the heffalumps weren't monster, and at the end everyone else realized it too when the little one's mother helped free Roo.
    To me the point of that was to not assume what a person is like without actually meeting them or talking to to them. It's kind of like how you put it, that no matter how big you are you can still be a nice person and a great friend.
  14. Pocahontas has long been my favorite Disney Princess movie.

    Pocahontas follows her heart, no matter where it takes her. John Smith is brave in the face of a strange New World. They're pretty much polar opposites, yet they're both curious and willing to understand before taking up arms. Most importantly, when it comes to love, they don't let skin tone or otherworldliness scare them. She accepts him, and embraces him to the point where she would do anything to keep him safe. He even takes a bullet, returning the favor.
  15. Pocahontas is one of my favs too.. And I love the song in that the one Vanessa Williams sings
  16. Love all your replies so far, the only one I haven't seen is the heffalump movie
  17. Brave is my favorite. I think it is mainly because she is so independent. Her parents have to learn to accept that she is growing up and becoming her own woman. ?When she claims she will shoot for her own hand, a huge smile spread across my face! I was like...duh. As women, (can't speak for men because I am not one) we have to love ourselves first and choose us over what other people want for us.
  18. I loveeeee brave too forgot about it, she is so different to the typical Disney princess ?
  19. You sad sad people how can you forget the Lion King!!!??? lol
    The lion king hasn't really taught me anything, bit I liked it. Someone can use this idea if they want.
  20. Tron because I liked the idea of a gaming world