did you hear ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DeezNutsJr, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Gift me, accepting anything !! Thanks.
  2. cuz imm poor
  3. i always end up talking to myself?
    Soooo it happens & its normal if u ask me :lol:
  4. Gift me too
  5. 1:1 ?
  6. I'll gift you if you gift me ;)
  7. Gift me for free just cause
  8. You gift me and I accept. Deal?
  9. I'm accepting all gifts
  10. Okay! Gimme that 1 gift and you'll get your 0 kthx
  11. TF ? this is my thread.make your own threads if u want gifts ??
  12. damn bro, why you bump this