Since it's a diamond hunt, I wish you made pet styles that featuresthe world's most famous diamonds: • Hope Diamond • Graff Pink • Dresden Green • Napoleon Diamond Necklace • Koh-I-Noor • Black Orlov • Cora Sun-Drop • Tiffany Some of the species doesn't have jeweled pet styles yet such: German Shepherd Budgie Cockatoo Gecko Holland Lop Piglet Golden Retriever Owl Also I would like to request to set a one time event sale of the pet styles that we missed. I missed the crowned American Shorthair and the Hamster that looks royal and resting on a royal pillow like my Hedgehog. I was inactive that time coz I was recovering from a surgery that time. If not, that's ok but can you make another crowned/jeweled petstyles for those species? Disclaimer: It's my first time posting in forum. I'm not sure if this is the right thread for suggestions.
I can confirm it is a good place to suggest. You can try to invite your fellow friends/ club member to read your thread so others might be interested in your suggestions