Demystifying Parties

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Insizor, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Feel free to post your party hit results here, this is mostly for my reference but hopefully it can help some other small club plan their parties too!

    If you want to contribute, please use the following template to help data collection:
    -Stats (If you're only reporting 1 type of bar hit you can only put the applicable stat)
    -XX -XX damage/hit (lowest hit and highest hit) on [Bar Name] (Party you hit the bar in)
    -# of hits obtained from full stats

    <500k both stats
    38-46 damage/hit on Sigh
    50 hits
  2. I’m confused 🤔
    What is your goal?
    Or rather what is your question about parties
  3. ^^^
    What exacly are you trying to do
  4. Every player with full energy can do the same amount of hits before running out. For instance, the eat bar will always take 17 hits regardless of stats. So I'm not sure why you'd want to try and record that when it's the same # for everyone.

    But also Day made a very detailed guide to parties that includes damage and all the important factors here.
    Lite likes this.