
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Honestly not to be offensive, give your own definition of a noob of this game. Lets see the outcome Please be inappropriate and follow ToU( I shouldnt need to say it but I feed necessary).
  2. Someone that is new to the game, is inexperienced and doesnt know PimD ways very well 
  3. Lol wtf "please be INAPPROPRIATE and FOLLOW THE TOU" bipolar much? That's a noob-ish statement.
  4. Noob (n)-A person who is new and inexperienced, But is willing to learn and get better.

    Nooby (adj)-Word used to describe somebody as a noob.

    Newb (n)-The worst kind of noob, one that thinks they are cooler than everybody else, and is not willing to take help or advice.
  5. Dont be* thankf greenday, I mix up and foget words sometimes
  6. Lol innapropriate??? Hmm
  7. Wow lots of spelling errors today 
  8. Yes it is Green, I am very sorry for that, I leave words out I need to check more now before I press send
  9. Lmao. So... Noob... Hm.

    Noob: a person, usually new to a game, who begs, whines, or performs other unsightly actions.

    Newb: a person who is new to a game.

    N00b: the worst of all. A noob (see above) that thinks they own the game, and thinks they can do whatever they want.
  10. Interesting... Yours green is similar but different that person above...
  11. A noob is someone who is showing that they are new to the game in an annoying way.
  12. To me a noob is someone like bubass