Dear Math,

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Azizosis (01), Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Dear Math,
    I'm sick of working out your problems. I have got my own problems too!

    Also, please stop telling me to find the value of your X. Get over her dude.

  2. Cancel my subscription, I'm tired of your issues
  3. I Just read a picture with that exact thing on.
  4. Its I_______Kronoss_______I azizosis. ;)
  5. I like this one better:

    Dear Math,
    **** YOU!
    The World

    Simple and to the point lol
  6. How did you think of this Azizosis?
  7. Dear Math,

    Look at me! I'm no psychiatrist! Figure out your own problems for once!

    The Vast Minority
  8. U mean majority? Or is that a reference to the green day song minority
  9. Math isn't that bad...
  10. Yeah, it is lmao. And it sounds cool.
  11. Math is not that bad guys  I would say:

    Dear Math,

    Thank you for being awesome but stressful. Without you we would not have any technology today. Thank you

  12. Math is easy

    But proofs are hard(not really just really annoying to write)
  13. Lol
    I was in adv math so I find that hilarious!
  14. I flunk my Maths every year 