I was talking to my friend last night and she asked me what were my deal breakers when it comes to dating/ making new friends. It got me thinking and surprisingly I came up with a rather long list. “A deal breaker is ‘the catch’ that a particular individual cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any redeeming quality the individual may possess” My deal breaker would have to be conspiracy theorists.. What is your ultimate deal breaker?
Intelligence. ? Seriously, spending time with somebody who needs you to slow everything down/define every word in your vocabulary is exhausting.
Lack of common sense. If she can't make a decision based on logic/common sense, I just can't build a relationship with her. If I have to constantly remind her that those situations or something can be prevented by implementing common sense, I'm turned off and thoroughly exhausted quick.
Too smart Too stupid Boring If their name is Andy If they hate Harry Potter If they have a totally different taste in music that I can't vibe with to save my life They can't dance No sense of humor Way too secretive/private
If they're ugly. Call me superficial, but I'm not gonna date a guy who I can't even look at. Or if they're dumb. Or mean.? Or have a pet tarantula.
1. Being over-emotional 2. Ignorance? 3. Lying? 4. Lack of social skills? 5. Smoking 6. Ugly feet? 7. Infidelity 8. Bad personal hygiene?no 9. Bad sex 10. Bigotry ?too many