Day Light Savings 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Lheinssa (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Yup
    It's day light savings day
    For me at least
    I live in New York so yeah

    I forget so I freaked out at first

    So there I am watching my recorded episode of La Basketball Wives and it was 2:07 so I was going to bed but the I looked and it was 1:07

    So yeah

    It's 1:11 A.M
    It's kinda late
    What time wus it and wut time did it change to for you
  2. I am in Texas on central time and even though you are in new York, we still have the same time currently 
  3. Wut time was it before it hanged

  4. 2:14...
  5. Changes at 2 am I believe
  6. For me it changed at 2:07 am

    Chloe P.M right
    Is it afternoon for you right now Chloe?
    It's past midnight for me
    It was 2:07 am and now it's 1:17 am
  7. 2:27PM now.

    South China isn't awesome. =_=