Customer Service

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, May 11, 2019.

  1. So, I may or may not have just cried inside a drug store because of how rude a supervisor was to me. the manager came by and took my side but then i may or may not have called the supervisor a cùnt which may or may not have made him ask me to leave. Anyway. Tell me your horrible customer service stories since apparently being nice, even when you're literally being paid to do so, is a lost art.
  2. Farm them irl
  3. I left a bad review. Not that it'll do much since ppl can't rly boycott getting their medical subscriptions and mail. There were a ton of other bad reviews tbh, apparently they are known for their how rude they are
  4. I got accused of being a thief, loudly and aggressively, in front of my dad when I was 13 by the dude who owned this Mom and Pop corner store. :(

    I don't know what I did that made me look suspicious to him but I was so embarrassed and felt terrible because I didn't take anything. Luckily, my dad believed me but the guy threatened to call the cops and was horribly mean. I'm still really anxious every time I shop that someone is going to accuse me of stealing.
  5. What a rude bìsh. I hate that. It happened more when i was a teen but still occurs occasionally where they'll follow you around the shop and make you feel like a criminal for existing :c what a great way to make ppl wanna spend munnies.
  6. Joke's on him because I had $100 I had saved up from Christmas money and chores and I went to the dollar store and spent it all on junk food. :3
  7. I work in a McDonald's, and there were 3 to her employees working with me on this particular day + the manager. We were getting absolutely slaughtered because so many people came in at once and we couldn't keep up so it was a bit hellish. Anyway, I give this dude his order, doesn't say thank you or anything and just said "my drink. You forgot my drink", I apologised and went to get it blablabla, I was really nice to him even though he sucked balls. A few mins past, the same dude storms up to the counter, calls me over a throws chicken nuggets IN MY FACE claiming there was only 5 and that I'm dumb as hell and should learn how to count. I just stood there elike wtf?? Couldn't say anything caus eiw as just in shock. My manager kicked him out and he is now banned lmaoo
  8. I get asked if I need help with things any time I go out even if I just stand in line because I resemble a lil teen boi :lol:
  9. Mcdonald's isn't known for attracting the classiest of ppl ig. Sorry that happened to you
  10. Went to McDonald's for a quick meal (too hangry for something healthier) and the guy, being snobby the entire time, told me the McChicken Meal doesn't exist. Instead of telling me he could do the items separately, he waits quietly for me to make my damn decision on what to do.

    I wanted to punch him.

    Being clear, I told him I'd wanted a medium fry, large drink, and a McChicken with extra mayo (they always put like one small pump of it).

    -he didn't even give me the cup
    -there was no mayo on the sandwich
    -the fry was small

    tl;dr: Screw fast food places ran by teens.
  11. Poor anon w his adorable jailbait lookin self
  12. Alas, some ppl never grow out of this rude teen phase
  13. So I used to work at Baskin Robbins once.. for like a day, and um this guy got an attitude cause he said I served him a small portion of Rocky Road ice cream. Now I know he's a big guy and all but all our portions are the same no matter what. I told him that and he said he wanted to speak to the manager. The manager sided with me and the guy literally threw the ice cream on the ground and left. Long story short; I had to clean that up. What a waste of Rocky Road. ? That's just one of many incidents that happened on that day.
  14. Oh, and ilysfm and if I ever go to Canada.. point me in the direction of said drug store and I will gladly put a boot in his rear. ?
  15. I work in retail rn and it’s possibly one of the worst/not so bad things ever, I’m a nice person when it comes to customers even if they are rude and calling me not so nice things because I don’t wanna lose my job, BUT there was one time when I witnessed a coworker throw something at a customer. She got fired immediately. ?
  16. Savage
  17. So I used to work at the store Lush. It sells like bath bombs and things like that. Generally speaking everyone was really easy to work with, and the customers were usually happy. One day I had a customer come in a week before Christmas, asking for an item that had sold out a month ago. After I kindly explaining that we didn’t have the item, I offered to call another store to see if she could pick it up there. And this woman proceeded to yell at me saying that I personally, was not giving her the item she wanted. Shortly after I tried to calm her down she tried to throw all her items in her basket at me and stormed off yelling about how horrible the customer service here was.

    I don’t know how many people have been to Lush, but they’re in to that whole “no packaging thing”, so all of the items she threw were completely ruined. I had to write out like $200 worth of product and give a customer a discount because she hit them with a bath bomb :(
  18. I worked there for 8 years. I've had so much food thrown at me. :lol:

    Protip-Work breakfast shifts as much as you can. Morning customers are nicer
  19. Yay thank you haha. It was a girl tho, the 'him' was the manager who took my side until i used 'inappropriate language.' I have no regrets tho she really was being a cùnt.
  20. ? some people are legit crazy wtf. Especially during christmas time.