Cupid's Chocolate Villa

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -ShanaAlanaTheNerd-, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Hey! This is a story by yours truly! I miss writing and the motivation my readers give me. This story is a very sappy romance thing. Hate sappy romance, don't read it. I don't mind feedback, but if you're just gonna hate, don't bother.

    The chapters are longer than I once had done because I am writing them on my laptop and transferring them to my iPod. So, enjoy long readings!
    Chapter 1

    I sit in my room, my laptop on my knees, the television on, and my phone in one hand and my iPod in the other. I swear, I love being the eldest child and the one who gets the best stuff. Like a job and a car. What sucks is that I had to buy the car, laptop, phone, and iPod with my own money. The car came last. Other than that, being eighteen and waiting for the money for college is alright for me.

    Well, it would be if I didn't have to babysit every day.

    "Jenny!" I hear, causing me to moan. Great, my little sister needs something. Or my little brother is trying to kill her. Again.

    "What is it, Marcy?" I call to my sister, trying to become more absorbed in one of my many devices taking my attention. I'm texting my best friend, on my favorite website, reading a story, and watching SpongeBob. So hard to choose!

    "Jenny! Marcus is hurting me!" Marcy calls, causing me to groan. I push my laptop off of my lap, toss my phone and iPod on my bed, and pause SpongeBob, though I've seen the episode probably a thousand times.

    "Marcus! What are you doing to Marcy?" I call, standing to walk out of my room. I walk into the living room and see Marcus holding Marcy's wrists I a tight grip, growling at her.

    "Roar," he says, "give me what I want." Another make-believe game, I believe. He is in a major pretend spell and I am to deal with it. "Give me the knight and the princess!"

    "Marcus! You're hurting me!" she practically screams at the top of her lungs.

    "Marcy, hush. Marcus! Listen to me and remove your hand from your sister's wrist. You're going to break a bone," I say, rolling my eyes. They're only seven, so it's obviously hard to get Marcus to listen. Marcy is a bit easier, but not by much.

    "No! I am a dragon! I want the princess and the knight!" Marcus growls. I pull his hand away from his twin's wrist and pick him up.

    "What you want is a spanking and a time-out," I say sternly. He fidgets in my hold, causing me to sigh. At least he's not acting like a talking dragon. Still, a time-out is what he's getting. I place him in the corner of the living room with a sigh and say, "I'll come to get you when your time is up." He huffs unhappily but doesn't protest. I walk over to Marcy and smile at her.

    "Go on and play with your dolls and Fauna," I say with a sigh. She nods and hurries to her room, desperate to spend time with her imaginary friend. I sigh happily and walk back to my room, ready to be relaxed and comfortable without any more interruptions. But I don't get as far as my threshold as I hear the click of the door and a happy, "Babies! I'm home!"

    I hear the squeal of my sister and the happy little boy in his corner call for Mom. I walk back into the living room and see bags of food. Or, to be more correct, chocolate ingredients


    "Mom? Chocolates?" I ask suspiciously. My mother nods happily, excited about her offer. "Mom, you have no idea how to make chocolates. Just eat them. That's what you know about the yummy treat." My mother shakes her head with a smile.

    "Jenny, I know more about chocolates than you think," she smiles at me, shaking her head like I don't know a thing. I know more than I care to admit, trust me. "And you must work there." That is why she's talking to me. I was wondering why she was being so strange about all this.

    "Why? I'm not going to make the chocolate, am I?" I ask uncertainly. She throws her head back and laughs. It's a contagious laugh; I have to admit, but really? Making chocolates is that funny? No way. It's probably the fact that I asked that question when I burn water. I can't cook. I burn mac 'n cheese. I can make the easiest meals into a total waste of money and time. Makes sense why she's laughing.

    "I don't expect you to, sweetheart. I just want you to sell it," she smiles after her hysterical laughter. I don't understand my mother, even at times at this. She's a business woman, not a chocolate making legend. "And I learned a lot before your age about making chocolate. I can make it; you can display it and sell it. You can even taste some of it." Now, at that thought, I stick to the idea of being paid for chocolate. I am a chocolate -or rather candy- maniac. I will steal every bit of candy from anyone, big or small. Except little kids; I just can't do that unless it's my little sister and brother.

    "All chocolate? Like, every piece you make?" I ask, leaning towards my teasing mother. Her eyes light up and I nod with a hunger for tasting chocolates for pay. "I do get paid, right? 'Cause, if I don't, no deal."

    "You'll get paid, Jenny. I promise."


    It's been a week since my deal has been made with my mother and she made me decorate the shop. It's too dark and depressing for this area, however, and that's because we are in the worst place in town; the strip mall known as Cupid's Kingdom because of all the shops where lovebirds can buy junk to represent their love. Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, even a wedding planner's office in the place. There's also a bridal shop, a tux rental, a dress shop, and a boutique. They were right, calling this place Cupid's Kingdom. The love makes me want to gag all over everyone.

    "Jennifer," my mother scolds, "this is not a funeral parlor. This is a chocolate shop. It's Cupid's Chocolate Villa, which means that the colors should be red, pink, and white. I'd prefer those colors rather than black, grey, and more black."

    "I can't help it, Mom. I love the color black. The color of order-"

    "Hush, shush. No. I know. Now, let me redecorate and you go meet the neighboring shops." She lightly ushers me to the door, with me shaking my head the whole way. I'm not the best type of person. People mistake me for "emo" and I guess they're right. I love the color black, dress in black, hate many things, and I'm interested in the dead. Not my fault. It's the authors' faults.

    "You'll do fine, Jenny. Just say, 'Hi. I'm Jennifer Wyatt. We are about to open shop.' Let them do the rest." She smiles at me and pushes me out of the new shop.

    "But, Mom, I kind of can't. After all, I'm supposed to be a social reject, remember?" I say, holding the door open.

    "I think not. I'll decorate. You'll talk to strangers. I'll see you soon." She shuts the door and I huff. Aren't parents supposed to tell their children not to talk to strangers? I look around and see the florist on one side, which is called Flowers of Love, and the jewelry shop, strangely called Diamonds are Love. Honestly, the lamest names ever. If I see another terrible name, I'm going to puke. But Flowers of Love catches my interest when I see a pretty black flower.

    What the hell? Why not, I think and walk inside. I look around, wanting to gag at the pinks and girly colors, but I'm only there for the black flowers I saw. I smile when I see some white roses, walking over to them, but snapping back as I see the price. Twenty-five bucks for a dozen roses? Yikes. I'd hate to see what they charge during Valentine's Day.

    "Can I help you?" I hear. I don't turn but I just shake my head. It's a guy and I make a complete fool of myself around them. This is because of my "emo" qualities. They see I'm "emo" then ask me if I cut myself. I hate it when I hear that and I am not going to hear it again. But when I hear that question, I blow a fuse.

    "Thanks, but I'm just looking," I say and move towards the prettiest flowers I've ever seen: black roses. I look at the price and I'm not surprised that they're almost forty bucks. They are pretty, neat, and different. I really want to buy them but I don't have the money. I spent the last of my money on merchandise, Hunger Games merchandise.

    "You like them? We don't have many, just this dozen and a couple more dozen in back," I hear the boy say. I grin and nod, lightly touching a pedal, mesmerized by how full they are. "You want them?"

    "I don't have the money. Not until the shop opens up," I say, finally turning to the boy. He has this dashing smile that could make any girl melt. Black hair rests lightly on his forehead and water droplets are sprinkled in his hair, making his hair glint by the light.

    "You work at the new chocolate shop?" he asks.

    "Yeah, my mom owns the shop," I say with a small grin.

    "Cool. We've needed a chocolate shop around here," he says, holding out a hand. "I'm Justin." I slowly take it and shake his hand, awkwardly, might I add.

    "I'm Jennifer. But, call me Jenny. Everyone else does," I say, pulling my hand back. He smiles and I watch his grey eyes shine brilliantly. He must have a plan. That's how my little brother looks when trying to escape my wraths or when he tries to steal my candy.

    "I'll tell you what, Jenny. I'll save a dozen of these roses for you if you save me a box of chocolates," he says. I eye him suspiciously. Seems like a fair trade. Chocolates for flowers. Expensive flowers, though. I look at him and stick my hand out again.

    "It's a deal," I say as he shakes my hand.
    I know. not much of an ending but it's how I'm leaving it that way. Leave feedback, comments, loves, hates, what you think fit.

    "Save the drama for your llama."

    I'm going to start adding quotes to the ends of my updates. Tell me what you think.

    ~Shana Alana
  2. *Fangirling *

    蝴蝶即时局同花顺发呆屁屁双眼经I don't even know what the FUCK I wrote, but this is BUMP!!
  3. Loovvvvvve it
  4. Love it!!! Amazing writer!!!
  5. Love it!!! :3
  6. This pretty good!
    On a somewhat related note, chocolate is really easy to make as long as you don't mind it being really soft.
  7. It's sweet and beautiful, reminds me of flowers.
  9. I just finished the next chapter and I'll update after I proofread, edit, etc. I'll hopefully update within the next hour. If not, pretty soon after that. Hope y'all look forward to it!

    ~Shana Alana
  10. I know everyone will love our new character, or almost everyone, because I do, and I know people will flip at the end. You'll love it, lovies! Read on!
    Chapter 2

    The deal comes up short. Guess which end it's on. Mine.

    "Mom, he's going to give me gorgeous black roses! They cost forty bucks. I don't have that money!" I say angrily. She is rolling her eyes as she slowly makes the chocolate, obviously not so sure about her reflexes. One of her small hands hover over a small towel while the other works with ease. It doesn't even look that hard. Probably easier than I thought. But there's no way she's letting me do the cooking.

    "Jenny, chocolates cost money. Flowers cost money. Do you understand business?" she asks impatiently.

    "He'll pay! I'm going to pay! Justin is nice enough! I trust him. We even shook on it!" I whine. My mother's shoulders are moving in short, jerky movements as she tries to laugh silently and not screw up her work. So far, she's done great. Better than I ever could have. I pull on a rubber glove and dunk a finger in the chocolate mix.

    "Hey, hey, hey! No dipping!" my mother says quickly.

    "Too late, my dearest mother," I say with a smile, popping the chocolate covered gloved finger in my mouth. Oh, I love chocolate. Best type of candy ever. That is, if you don't count bubblegum.

    "You eat so much and don't gain a pound, Jen," I hear from behind me. I don't need to turn to know it's my best and only friend, Carrie. The preppy blonde that saved me from bullying in my first year of high school, Carrie Mitchell.

    "Don't hate my high metabolism. I was born with it," I say when I finish the chocolate off of my gloved finger. I pull off the glove and I throw it away, grinning at the sweetness. "Mom, call for me when I need to taste your finished product." I walk away with my blonde friend to my room. She plops onto my bed as I close the door and look around my room. It's dark and creepy, right? Wrong. It's actually quite bright. It's a beautiful blue, like the eye color. My bed has magnificent orange sheets, but not like any orange, sunset orange.

    "I still don't understand why you are in love with creepy shit and you painted your room according to a book character," Carrie says, shaking her head.

    "Peeta is a very important character. And I didn't just decide overnight, you know. It was a very important decision. Black may be my favorite color, but Peeta is oh so amazing and perfect. Kind of a must, you know," I smile and head to my candy stash. I pull the giant bag from my closet and set it on my desk, pulling out a bag of 3 Musketeers. I throw Carrie a bag of Hershey Kisses. She catches them with this glint in her eye. I bet she hasn't had chocolate since she was here last time.

    "So, tell me," she says, throwing a Kiss into her mouth, "who is this this Justin? Is he a cutie?" I roll my eyes with a small smile. She always wants to know about guys I meet. It's so annoying, but I think it's funny when she never gets the guy anyway.

    "I guess you could say so. He works at the florist shop next to our chocolate shop. But, I warn you, the place is filled with love. I want to gag every time I'm there," I say, rolling my eyes.

    "Oh, really! I love love, you know that. I would just die to work there. The gossip, the love, the happy couples! It would be amazing!" she sighs happily.

    "I think there's a job at the boutique or the dress shop. I can't remember since they're right next to each other." She grins giddily and throws a handful of chocolate in her mouth. I roll my eyes and bite into a Musketeer.

    "So, what's he look like?" she smiles after swallowing the chocolate in seconds. I know she's feeling fat because how much she's eating just by the look on her face.

    "Justin has black hair, a dashing smile that could make you melt, and I mean you and every other girl but me specifically, and amazing grey eyes. He's really nice and because of his kindness, I trust he'll pay me for that box of chocolates. So, yeah, I guess he's a cutie."

    "Sounds like it. Capital C-U-T-I-E." I laugh and wait for my mother to call for me for tasting.


    "Now, make sure you give back change, get what is needed," my mother lists off.

    "Mom, I get it. I'll do fine. Go on business," I say. Yes, business. She has to go to another state to do a case. She's a lawyer and a client is in another state where the charges were held.

    "Oh, my little girl is working all by herself," she smiles. She kisses my forehead and walks out of the shop, waving. I'm running the business. Yikes. Well, at least she got my uncle to help. I swipe the glass display and wait for a customer. Not who I expected.

    "Hey, Jenny. Got those chocolates I wanted?" I hear. I look up and see Justin, grinning and leaning on the display case.

    "Hey, Justin. Not at all. My mother won't let me, since she's the boss. I'm sorry. I really wanted those flowers. And I know you wanted those chocolates," I say, showing the small towel into a drawer. I turn back to him and see a frown on his face.

    "Tis a shame," he says, shrugging. "Oh, well. I'll still hold those flowers for you. You really seem to love the color back. After all, you seem really out of place here. Pinks and reds around this place and you in black, doesn't fit for you."

    "Exactly right. Pinks and reds make me want to gag. I love blacks, dark purples and blues. Dark colors suite me."

    "Oh, I love what you guys did with the shop! Though I don't think it's your taste Jen," I hear Carrie say. She stops next to Justin and grins.

    "And hello to you," she says, a huge flirtatious smile on her face. "And you must be...?"

    "Justin," I say. She gasps and stares at me. She whistles and grins at Justin. She is eyeing him as her prey. Oh, dear God, not again. This girl will kill him.

    "No kidding! So this is your Justin, huh? You were right! He is a capital C-"

    "No, Carrie! Sorry, Justin. This is my embarrassing best friend, Carrie. Carrie, shut up." She sticks her tongue out at me, but turns her attention back to Justin.

    "So, Justin, you work next door?" she smiles. She's staring at Justin with a scary hunger. I want to scream, Justin, run away! but I don't because Carrie will try to kill me.

    "Uh-huh. And why do you need to know?" he asks, backing away from her. Smart move, Justin. Keep that up, she might get the hint.

    "No reason. Just getting my facts straight. So, Justin..." she grins hungrily.

    "Carrie. You are scaring the boy. Stop. Now," I say, frowning. She frowns, rolling her eyes.

    "But, Jen, I want to play with your new boy toy. He's hunky," she grins. Leave it that preppy blonde to make me the boy crazy one.

    "First off, he's not my 'boy toy,' Carrie. And second, leave the love for another shop. I'm going to throw up on you." She squeaks in fright and runs out of the shop, a sigh of relief coming from Justin. I grin and pull out a chocolate bar, biting into it after peeling off the wrapper.

    "Thanks. She's creepy. Why is she so...?"

    "Crazy? Preppy? Stupid? I think it's from spending time with my little siblings and the rest of my family. And school cheerleaders. They were so stupid and preppy, I wanted to die. I still don't understand how we became friends. We're polar opposites."

    "Explain, please," he says, gesturing for me to continue.

    "Well, she's a blonde, cares about hair, make up, you know, the girly stuff. I care about my candy, my siblings, and what hair color is best for the month," I say, gesturing to my clover green hair. "I would rather watch horror movies at home alone than go to the movies to watch a romantic comedy with a guy or friends. She likes picking out dresses for future days, talking about boys, and trying to practically eat boys. I like going to buy books, read books, picking future books, and talking about books. Get the picture?"

    "Definitely, but keep her away from me," Justin says. I smile and nod.

    "I'll relay the message. So, you want to buy something or just sit around there like a bored teenager?" He laughs and looks into the display case. I sit back onto a stool and take a sip of water as he smiles up at me.

    "I'll take you."
    This chapter wasn't as long as my last. But Carrie is a lovely new character. Don't you just love the girly character? And I love Justin's last comment. But you'll see what he means in the next chapter. It's not what it seems.

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    Damn right, Albert. Damn right.

    ~Shana Alana
  11. Wow wow wow update!!
  12. Teehee, I like it.
  13. Aghhhhhhhhh omg lovvvvvvvvve it great job updaten
  14. I'm going to have another update today! I'm on fire with this story, huh? It'll be in about thirty minutes to an hour, possibly more. But, still, woo-hoo!

    ~Shana Alana

    P.S. Marcus, Marcy, and Carrie all come into play later; two in the third chapter, one is the fourth chapter.

    P.S.S. This story is the most fun story I've ever written! I am so sure I'm going to finish!
  15. Update time!

    And I'd just like to say that I don't have any siblings that I live with my right now. They were taken away and never to be seen until I'm an adult. By my mother. (No sympathy. I don't want hear any, "I'm sorry...That sucks." And no, "Lucky." or anything like that.) So, the siblings' actions are so not what could be true. Probably far from it. But, this is how I would see my little half-sister and a little brother acting. Don't tell me if I'm wrong, because I probably am.

    This chapter is another long one. So, enjoy reading!
    Chapter 3

    I choke on my water at his comment. Justin's patting my back, trying to keep me from dying. He said what?! I can hardly keep myself from fainting. I grab my chocolate bar and shove half of the thing in my mouth. Chocolate calms me down, sooths my brain. He said the strangest thing ever. Why would he want me? I'm a freak.

    "Are you okay? I was just kidding. I seriously didn't mean anything," he says, causing me to be relieved and I think upset. He was joking and I should be relieved by that, but I can't. I would have still freaked out if he was.

    "Fine," I release in a choked voice. I'm panting so hard I don't hear the jingle of the door.

    "Whoa, pumpkin, who's this?" I hear. I look up and see Uncle Troy.

    "I'm Justin. And you must be...?" Justin says, patting my back gently. He watches my uncle and he watches Justin. My uncle doesn't look too inviting. Long brown hair and beard, he looks homeless. But the nice clothes suggest otherwise. The family's always told Uncle Troy to shave, but he never listens. I guess it's for the better.

    "I'm Jennifer's uncle. Her mother sent me down to help out while she's in another state on business. Jennifer, are you alright?" my uncle asks me, noticing I've been panting heavily.

    "Fine...just almost...died," I say between pants. I push the rest of the chocolate in my mouth, savoring the amazing flavor. I finally calm down and I lean back in my stool, pushing Justin's hand off of my back. I take a deep breath and lick my fingers of the excess chocolate. I wipe the chocolate away from my mouth and back into my mouth. Chocolate is my lifeblood.

    "Chocaholic," my uncle grins. I glare at him, but stand and hug him. I haven't seen him in a few months but Uncle Troy is always a pleasant sight. He's the closest thing to my father. It's a shame he never is around always.

    "How have you been, pumpkin? Besides helping your mother with a chocolate shop, almost dying, and finally getting a boyfriend, of course." I pull back and I can feel my face becoming extremely hot.

    "Uncle Troy, Justin is just the neighboring florist. I am not his girlfriend," I say, looking down at the floor. I can't look at anyone. Me? As Justin's girlfriend? No way. Well, I can picture our couple name. Justiffer...

    "Jenny, you okay?" I hear, snapping me out of my thoughts. I know who it is, just by the name.

    "Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I jump back onto my stool and grin at Justin and my uncle. "Uncle Troy, where are the twins?"

    "Oh, Marcus and Marcy are in the flower shop," he says, shrugging like it's no big deal. Marcus and Marcy in the flower shop!

    "Justin," I say, shooting off of the stool and walking around the counter.

    "Yeah?" he asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

    "Are there glass vases in the shop?" I ask, moving towards the door. The closer I mover, the louder wails become. Marcy.

    "Marcy! I'm coming, sweetie," I call and shove the door open, ruing into the florist shop. The Wailing is so loud and I hardly hear Marcus smashing vase after vase. He's gotten a stick and is swinging it with grunts and a blank face. He's pretending to be a caveman.

    "Marcy, did you step on any glass? Did you get cut?" I ask as I lean down to her. She's shaking her head and she's stopped crying out loud. She's sniffling and I pull her into a hug and pick her up, grunting at her weight. I walk out of the shop to Uncle Troy and glare at him. I hand Marcy to him and turn, walking back into the shop. I'm aware of footsteps behind me and I'm pretty sure it's Justin.

    "Marcus! Get your butt right here, right now," I bellow. He drops the stick and Justin quickly grabs a broom and dustpan. Marcus slowly walks towards me, knowing he's in deep shit.

    "Marcus! What were you thinking?! Hasn't the family taught you better than that?" I say quickly and angrily.

    "I was having fun, Jenny," he says with a small sniffle, causing my frown to deepen. I can hear Justin muttering curses, sweeping up glass. Marcy in still sniffling, but she sounds calmed down. Uncle Troy is the only one unaware of the anger pulsing in the room.

    "Uncle Troy, close up shop. I have matters to deal with." I can hear Uncle Troy walk casually into our shop. "Marcus, you are in so much trouble." I grab his hand and walk to Uncle Troy. "Take them home when you're done."

    "Got it, pumpkin. I'll see you later," he smiles, taking Marcus' hand from mine. I walk back to Justin's shop, bracing myself for words of anger and hatred. I would understand. My little siblings are terrible. I love them to death, but Marcus is becoming too hard to deal with.

    "Justin, I'm so sorry," I say with a sad sigh. He just shakes his head and I take the dustpan from him and squat next to him, letting him swipe the glass away. I stand and throw it away in awkward silence.

    "You know, I really am sorry. My little is going through this phase of make believe. He just had to choose caveman today," I say with a sigh, leaning on the wall. It's a complete mess. Flowers are strewn onto the ground, glass is causing the floor to glint, and water is soaking through my shoes. My little brother is leaving the worst impression.

    "Jennifer, pumpkin, Marcy is becoming a wreck without being with you. Do you mind if she stays?" Uncle Troy asks as he appears. I nod and pick up little sniffling Marcy. Uncle Troy walks off and I just stare at the little girl that's my sister.

    "I wish Daddy were here," she says, causing me to frown. I can feel tears pricking my eyes, threating to become a waterfall.

    "What does she mean?" I hear Justin ask. I stand silently, staring at the blue eyes that are Marcy's and Marcus'. And that were once my father's. Marcus looks so much like him. Brown hair, blue eyes, same attitude; it all makes up Marcus.

    "I do too, baby girl," I whisper to Marcy, ignoring Justin's question. She pushes her face into my neck and I smooth her hair back, trying not to let the tears fall.


    "So, what happened yesterday?" Justin asks, leaning on the wall next to me. The flower shop is closed for the damages. Damages caused by my little brother.

    "Marcus had a two-hour time out for what he did to the shop. And Marcy had nightmares about flying, clear, see-through monsters coming right at her. I couldn't sleep because of it. Uncle Troy called a babysitter and left them at home. I hope that babysitter can handle that little mess of a boy." I'm currently serving customers which are married men, guys in relationships, and couple. This love is going to make me gag.

    "I meant what did your little sister mean by, 'I wish Daddy was here," Jen. Obviously your uncle wouldn't be here is your father was. What was that about?" Great. That conversation all over again. I can't handle it. Dad. I really wish he was here.

    "He's not around anymore," I say, wanting to ignore this conversation. "And, for the billionth time, I'm so sorry about Marcus destroying the shop. Must be horrible, the water damaged floors, and a good few hundred bucks in flowers and vases on the floor."

    "It's okay, I guess." He smirks as I hand the change to the married couple in front of me, watching them walk away and out of the shop. "Mom was pretty pissed when she got the news. But, I guess it's going to be alright. But you need to pay for those damages, you know." I groan and sit on the stool, looking at the almost empty shop.

    "I do, but I still don't have any money. Mom doesn't get back until next week and I don't get that much money in my paycheck. The paycheck allows me taste chocolates, so I get half of what I would if I didn't." I sigh and grab a chocolate bar, pulling off the wrapper. I sigh and bite into it, thinking.

    "Alright, then how about you make it up to me?" he asks, making me hug the chocolate bar to my chest.

    "Mine," I say possessively. He laughs, causing me to flush lightly. His laugh is so warm. I smile at him and ask, "How?"

    "We go on a date, you buy," he says with a casual smile. I choke on my chocolate and double over in a fit of coughs. There he goes again. He's going to kill me if he keeps talking like this. He pats my back, and I reach for something to drink. I feel something placed in my hands and I take it, swallowing the liquid, which so happens to be soda.

    "God, if every time I ask you on a date, you almost kill yourself, I'm going to half to stop," Justin says with a sigh.

    "Wait, hold up." I sit up and push a piece of the chocolate in my mouth. A date... where I buy...just me and Justin? Sounds terrible; I could be so damn clumsy and embarrass myself. But my first date with someone who I actually like, it's a chance of a life time. All because of my little brother and his imagination, that'd be a good deal.

    "Are you serious?" I ask, looking at him suspiciously. He has that glint in his eye that tells me he's joking. He'll say, "Oh, Jenny, I can't believe you fell for that!" or something of the sort. I don't want to be tricked! Carrie's right, he's really cute. I practically see him every day. How can I not start developing feelings for him?

    "Completely serious."
    And there are the two words that will send everything up in the air for our Jenny. And probably not the right sibling behavior. I know it. Again, don't tell me that it's not how they act. It's just how I picture my little sister and a little brother to act, as said at the top.

    "We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear." - Boggs; Mockingjay

    Funniest quote of the whole book.  And it rhymed for more effect! If you own the book, I suggest you go to page 82 and find it in the first paragraph. I loved it so much, I bookmarked it. ^.^

    ~Shana Alana