crusade charecters

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *HULKiron (01), Mar 26, 2011.

  1. I need characters for a story based on the crusades but keep it basic I write very basic things
  2. Me I have spiked black hair wear all black short skinny tan and I'm a ninja and a genius
  3. Shucks u ruined my fun
  4. A can't have a ninja in a crusade book
  5. Me.
    Name: Josh
    Appearance: Sandy hair, tall, tanned, leather jacket over a shirt and jeans
  6. Name: Epic
    Description: dresses in black, has jet black hair that's fairly long but not too long, bright blue eyes, a scar that runs down the entire right-hand side of my face, calm, confident, trustworthy and reliable friend.
  7. Do u guys get the meaning of crusades mideval I'm pretty sure they didn't have leather jackets!!!
  8. But epic fire๎€Ž
  9. Joe
    Black hair,black eyes,medium height, and muscular

    Wears armor completely made of silver for the fear of supernatural forces ๎„…

    Tends to be a bit too prideful in fights, will fight anyone, protects only partners and leaves innocent people alone.๎‚
  10. Ps I stopped writing it um well I completely forgot everything