Crock Blocked

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Radioactive-2, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    What has happened to cartoons these days? Smh. Nice and kinky though
  2. What do you mean today? Cartoons used to have a ton of sex jokes.
  3. This one is really obvious, it's off by one letter
  4. What!? Is this legit!?
  5. I don't see the obvious stuff in this  I enjoy watching the show
  6. That Picture Quality?
  7. If you think this is good you should go watch some 90's cartoons online.
  8. What the?
  9. Fairly Odd Parents was my favourite show as a young lad
  10. I can't even see the's too huge ._. Sad face.
  11. Cartoons are only getting better :D

  12. Ouch! My Metaphorical mechanical ears.
  13. He's sniffing paint, tsk tsk
  14. Lmao @lostguy I know where u got that from 
  15. But the Simpsons isn't a child's cartoon
  16. Yeah, the Simpsons are stupid. I don't even watch them  but fairly odd parents was a great cartoon 
  17. The Simpsons are stupid, and the Fairly Odd Parents is great? Umm....what's wrong with the world?! ?