Chapter 1 "No....." "Please..... Stop...." "Jeff please.... Don't hurt me...." Jeff laughed as I begged for him not to hurt me. "Now why would I my sweet Melody?" He said as he passed the cold, sharp blade of his favorite knife over my bare stomach. "Jeff.... Please..." I whimpered. Jeff had me tied to a cold, hard bed, spread eagle with nothing but my underwear on... Or atleast what was left of it. He laughed as he slowly made work of my bra, completely shredding it from my body leaving me even more exposed than I was before. I cried and tried to break free of my ties, while jeff's eyes which were too wide for his own face looked over my body hungrily as he licked his lips. He placed his hand against my bare flesh, feeling the softness against his cold leathery one. "Jeff don't do this to me. Please," I whimpered. "Oh Melody.... Sweet, sweet Melody...." He chuckled, "Ive been wanting to do this for a long... Long time baby." I closed my eyes as I wept even harder. I heard his chuckle and felt the left side of the bed shift, before I hear him in my ear. "Don't worry baby... I'll try to be gentle," he whispered, breathy and somewhat seductive, but I was too scared of what he was planning to do to me to be easily seduced. "Jeff.... Please..." I cried one last time, before he shook his head letting his black, unkempt and greasy hair move back and forth. He made quick work of my panties, leaving my completely defenseless and vulnerable for his terrifying and greedy eyes. "Here I come baby..." He smirked as he launched at me. I screamed as I started to frail about in my restraints, squeezing my eyes shut, before opening them again to find myself in my bed in my room. "It was just a dream," I told myself, shaking from the utter fear and craziness that was Jeff the Killer. I slowly sat up in my bed and wiped the sweat off my face. That was one freaky nightmare. I should seriously be careful of what I eat before I go to bed next time. Or read for that matter. With a sigh, I looked over at my digital clock and saw that the time was 4:00 am. I groaned as I fell back into bed with my right arm over my eyes. I knew perfectly well that once I wake up, I'm always up. Sighing again, I rolled off my bed and set my feet against the cold, fuzzy, purple carpet that covers the floor of my "overly too big to be mines" room. I love purple. Its my most favorite color expect for black, white and blood red. I started to drag my feet as I walked to my personal bathroom. My bathroom was huge. It was 22 square feet with a standing shower with shower dials of all sorts, a hot tub with turbo jets, two sinks with a large vanity mirror with down lights set in a single row right above it, three black and silver Victorian styled cabinets, each one displaying all what I need for my bath. The first cabinet held bath soaps, oils, salts and body wash of great variety. The second held towels with my favorite colors and the third cabinet with my make up and alot more. The room itself was made of beautiful white/cream marble with black swirls in a beautiful intricate pattern. Even the shower, hot tub and sinks were made of this beautiful marble and hanging right behind my bathroom door was my bathrobe made of a soft, white material with a black circle and an X going straight through it. I stripped down and put it on, before heading to one of the cabinets. I took out a lavender and jasmine scented bath oil and headed for the hot tub. As I passed the mirror, I stopped and did a back step to look at my reflection. Staring back at me was a 5 feet 6 inches tall caucasian girl with long, wavy sandy blonde hair reaching her hips with her bangs just falling slightly over her dark green eyes and a body that shouldn't exist. Her body was well developed in all the right places. Melody pulled her bathrobe slightly apart and sighed. She had a pair of monstrous double D's that she didn't want, thanks to having her period in pre school. With another sigh, she closed her rode and turned to her tub. She filled in with stingingly hot water and poured some of the oil in, before removing the robe and taking a nice bath to rid her of the crazy nightmare. By the time it was 6:00 am, I got out and headed for my closet. It was massively huge with clothes of all brands and sizes. I shook my head at the ridiculous 18 square feet room and searched for my uniform. My uniform was a white shirt, with a black jacket with silver moon inside a golden shattered sun, with a short black skirt, knee high black boots with stockings and a red tie. I put them on and made sure that no part of me was accidentally left exposed. I went into my room that had to be atleast 24 square feet with black Victorian styled furniture and was painted white with black Victorian patterns of stemming flowers with a chandelier hanging down the middle of the room and purple neon lights either on the steps leading to my bed or on the island like ceiling where the chandelier hung. I walked over to my dresser and started brushing out my hair. I let it hang down my back as I reach for my jewelry box and pulled out a crystal pendant shaped like a cresent moon with a simple sliver chain. I smiled as I put it on. The pendant hung right above my cleavage. I caressed the moon as I reminisce about the day daddy gave it to me. I was six years old when he gave it to me. I was so curious about why I didn't look like him that he did nothing more than hold me and told me how precious I was to him and that he will never let me go or let any harm come to me. I smiled at the memory as I left the room and headed for the kitchen. I started making breakfast for myself, when dad walked in. Believe it or not, my dad looks like the Slender Man. The one being who takes children and maked them disappear. Or so they say, but I've never seen him. In fact he never did that. Yes, he's hardly home, but I don't think he'll ever hurt a child. He's the sweetest person I know and I love him very much. "Good morning daddy," I said with a smile. "Good morning baby, " he echoed in my head. "Would you like some breakfast?" "Yes please." I quickly put together some eggs and bacon with some orange juice and gave it to him, before taking my own plate full. Slender had shrunken to a regular human size when I returned to the breakfast table. As I began to eat, he took the knife and cut his bacon into small pieces. His teeth were sharp and jagged. They looked as if they were made for crunching bones, but it didn't bother me at all. After all it was a side effect from his accident. "So what is your plan for the day Melly?" "The usually daddy. Go to school. Come home. Eat dinner. Do homework and sleep. What about you?" "I have to go to work this morning." "Oh..... Okay...." We continued eating in silence, before I asked the one question I always ask him every day. "Dad... I was up late last night and I read about the PastaVerse. What is the PastaVerse?" "Uhhhhhh........" "Dad.....?" "It's nothing for you to be concerned about. " "But......" "IT'S NOTHING FOR YOU TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT! IT'S A STORY NOTHING ELSE! END OF STORY!" I bit my lip and looked down at the remnants of my plate. That was a first. He never shouted at me, even when I was bad as a kid. I don't understand why this question brought that response. He never kept anything from me, but he didn't want me to know more about the PastaVerse. Why? I cleaned out my plate in slience and took his empty plate to the dishwasher and left it there to be cleaned. As I turned around, I was severely embraced in a hug by Slender Man. "I love you my sweet Melody." Those six simple words made me smile and I returned his hug. "I love you too daddy." "You have no idea how precious you are to me." "I know daddy." "It also makes me happy to be called your daddy." My smile dimmed a little as I remember three years ago for my thirteenth birthday, when he told me the truth about my parents. He had killed them, when I was just a few months old. When he saw me, he couldn't bring himself to hurt me or even abandon me. So he took me in as his own and raised me. He gave me all the love a parent could give and in the end, I love him for that. I would never hate my daddy. I love him too much to hate him. So I accepted it and continued being his daughter. A regular sixteen year old girl who goes by the name of Melody Jackson, whose father is a rich entrepreneur who goes by the name, Reese Jackson. It amazes me by how much money my dad has and he's really a creepy, scary guy with no face. I looked up at my faceless father and smiled as he bent down to place a kiss on my forehead. "Be safe today at school." "I will daddy." He gave me a squeeze before letting me go. I looked at the clock to see it was 7:30 am. I gasped and took off towards my room to grab my book bag before dashing out the front door to catch bus to school. I'm so glad sometimes for not living too far from school.
Re: CreepyPasta Verse.... Chapter 2 Chapter 2 I walked into school feeling sort of down. Dad made me kind of angry with him. What was he hiding from me? "And the reason you look like that is because...?" Penelope Cephora asked. "Oh my god. Is that Jeffery over there? " asked Rya Kaspia. "He's staring at us. Act natural. " "She said natural so does that mean eat grass or something? " Pen asked dryly. "No. Just look beautiful and be happy. Have you seen the weather lately?" "Nope. No to all of them. Now spill Mel." "Dad and I had a fight. It's not that huge but what has me dazed is that he shouted at me." "Your dad shouted at you? That's a first. " "Why? " Rya asked. "Because I asked him about CreepyPasta. " I saw them visibly stiffen and then saw Rya momentarily blanch. "It's nothing. Probably your dad was just uhm...scared by the question or something?" Pen answered slowly. "Dad being scared by some internet legends. Please. He watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre and laughed." I answered "Erm...well possibly he was erm...uhhhh..." Rya started but gave up. "'ve never heard the effects of these stories have you?" Pen asked slowly. "No. What effects?" "You honestly don't want to know, " Rya said. "And why not?" "Because we love you sweetie and would really love for you to remain sane," Pen said as she placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. "Oh please?" "No," they said in unison. "Please." "No." I kept begging for them to tell me until Pen broke and decided to spill everything. "There's one I heard of. There was this girl. She was perfectly normal. She loved books. Loved them so much. She went to the bookshop to buy more of her favorites when she was attacked. They robbed her and in a really mean streak they beat her severely. They tore her books apart and used them as kindling. They burnt her while she was still alive. She was unconscious but the pain woke her up. She dragged herself a few feet but it was too much. She and her books died. But there was an exception. One book survived. They took it as a trophy but later mailed it to her mother. They say she lived in that book for years until it was stolen and sold. She was freed and killed the new owner. Now she roams the Earth far and wide looking for her killers. She can go anywhere there are books or paper because of this." I laughed. It was so far fetched. But Pen hit me with a look that spelled murder. I stopped. She never looked so grim. "You may not believe me but Papercut exists. I've seen her. She's not evil just misunderstood. " "She's your favorite isn't she?" I asked. "No. She's not." she snapped. I winced. What was up with everyone and this CreepyPasta thing? "There are others. Others who have stories that you may deem silly or far fetched but you are wrong. Sadly mistaken. They are victims too." I frowned. She was blowing this out of proportion. "Pen..." but she continued "She was...related to me." A grimace. "She was a distant relative killed for what she loved. Isn't that sick?" The way she said it I felt nauseous. "How old was she?" "Not a few hours over sixteen. Barely an adult and barely a child. For knowledge she lived but death she gained." "I'm sorry. She wasn't much older than you. Than me. Than Ry." A cold breeze blew and chilled me to the bone but Ry and Pen stood unaffected. For a second I swore I saw her eyes glow bright like the beginnings of a fire and then burn down to smoldering embers. A small flicker happened and I saw Ry in a Victorian outfit. Shaking my head to clear my mind I focused on my friends. "So do you think she'll be here today?" I asked. "Yes. She will be here. I can assure you. Standing us up is not in her best interest. I am certain of it." Pen answered. I shuddered. That didn't sound like Pen. "Yo Penny. You okay?" Ry asked worriedly. "Uhm...yeah. I'm cool. No problems people." "Okay... Can we move?" "Yup. Let's go." "Okay." they answered in unison. We walked in silence for a while. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Finding my voice I asked them something that was bugging me. "Pen...what was your relative's name?" Her face drew tight and with a pinched voice she answered "Penelope. Her name was Penelope."
Re: CreepyPasta Verse.... Chapter 3 Chapter 3 My eyes widened at the realization. Pen was named after her dead relative and possibly a CreepyPasta who goes by the name Papercut and I laughed. Oh god..... My poor best friend. I looked over at Rya who had a blank face as she stared at Pen. Rya knows something, but even I knew I can't get her to budge even a bit. Not even crack a little to spill atleast a little about herself. Not even smile. She always looked sad and lonely. I never really understood why. "What?" I blinked twice before I realized Rya was speaking to me. "Huh?" was all I could say, which earned me the scariest look from her that she only used when people annoyed her. "You were staring at me like I had grown at extra head." "Ah! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare Rya, really." "You're lucky I like you Melly. Or else I would have put you in a grave." Now she was scaring me, but thank God, that Pen came to my rescue. "Ease up on her Ry. You know she's the only sweet one amongst the four of us." "I know and I'm glad she is. So Melody, please remain just the way you are. We like the person you are." I smiled at those words. "I promise.... And I love you guys too." Pen grinned as Rya shrugged. It's no lie that I Iove my friends. They were like my own sisters, who I adore. Pen had worn the same uniform I was wearing, but hers was more "Ticci Toby" with a skirt, gray leggings, goggles and black combat boots with a white painted skull and less "I attend this school." She was dark skinned and beautiful. She had short and straight black hair that looked like silk, reaching right below her shoulders. Her eyes were a light brown almost sunset orange colour that was beautiful, she was 5 feet 6 inches and she was also nicely developed, but her breasts weren't big as mines. But Pen had to be the most beautiful black girl I've met and an absolute die hard Ticci Toby fan. Rya, however, looked out of place in our great modern day of technology. She was wearing a white, long sleeve shirt and a pleated black skirt as well as knee high, black boots with silver buckles on the sides as well as the red tie, but what made her look out of place was the black and red lace corset she always wore. She looked like a Victorian Nobleman's daughter wearing modern day clothes. But won't kid you, she was absolutely stunning. Long, wavy black hair reaching her waist, dark brown almost black eyes that held a mysterous secret only she knew, flawless pale, but somewhat fair skin and a beautiful body, that was well made with perfect curves, 5 feet 4 inches and nice C's for breasts. I envy her, but she has been really nice to me, expect for her dull, scary and almost expressionless face. Geez, she could give the Slender Man a run for his money. "Here comes Pam," she said as Pam strolled up to us. Pamela Madden was somewhat a pyromanic. She pretty much loves all things concerning fire. She even had her uniform remade with red flames on her jacket and wore flame stockings with black boots with heels and flames on them. She was very pretty and short, atleast 5 feet 2 inches or maybe 2.5 inches and was yellowish in complexion. Her hair was flaming red and short, just reaching her shoulders and she had bright brown eyes. Her body was also developed, but she looked like a boy sometimes, with a pair of B's. But what concerns me was her last name. Why Madden? Pam isn't mad, not right in the head, but definitely not mad. "Good to see you all up bright and early, " she said with a sad face. "Okay.... What's with the face?" Pen asked. "Don't tell me you forgot about this morning's assembly." It took us a while to process what Pam just said before we all shrieked. "Crap! Our class is doing this morning's assembly! " Pen pretty much screamed. I had to cover my ears at how high pitched her voice was. "I really don't see the problem," Rya said with a shrug. "Of course, it's a problem. We don't know, who is doing what," Pam groaned. "Again. I don't see the problem." Pam groaned as Rya sighed. "I'll do the thought of the day. Melody, you'll do the anthem and we'll get either Jeff, Toby, Tim or Jack to do the pray and the pledge." Pam laughed. "As, if any of them will do that." "I agree with Pam, Ry. None of them will do it," Pen said as a matter of fact. "I..... Have to agree also. None of them would even think of doing it," I said, rubbing my arm. That's when Rya's expression got dark and immensely scary. That look of hers could either kill you or wake the dead. "Apparently all of you have forgotten what kind of person I am," she said sinisterly. " No. We didn't forget," I said quickly, while holding up my hands as a form of defense, "We were just saying that they wouldn't even be of any help. That's all." She smirked. Now that was scary. Rya never smiled, much less smirk. This can't be good. "Oh Melody.... Sweetheart...." she said slowly and scarily poisonous or deadly, "I can be very.... Persuasive." I gulped just thinking of what my dark and deadly best friend was thinking. "Maybe.... I should go with you.... You know.... For... Back... Up?" Pen spoke slowly, trying her best to calm the storm before it struck. "I am more than capable to do this myself, " she said holding her hand up, "now if you'll excuse me..." She turned sharply on her heel and headed for the classroom that was two or three buildings at the very back of the school on the third story at the very end. "Ummmmm.... She won't..... Kill them.... Right?" I asked, clearly freaked out. My two friends couldn't even answer, because they knew exactly what Rya was capable of.
Re: CreepyPasta Verse.... Chapter 4 Chapter 4 It was already 8:00 am and almost the whole school was filing into the assembly hall. I was worried and a little sick to the stomach just thinking that the four or possibly two of us have to do the whole assembly. By the time it was 8:04 am, our whole form 5 science class was up on stage, including Jeff, Lance, Ben, Tomas and Jack. Then that means Rya didn't kill them.... Or maybe she mentally scarred them? Rya walked up on stage and glared at the boys. Jack and Lance quickly moved to my side as Rya stood right next to them. By the look on their faces, Rya did something that will haunt them for the rest of their lives..... Or worst. Those poor guys. "Are you okay?" I whispered to Jack. "We're fine," he said quietly, but gave me a smile. I smiled back and looked at the assembly. my face dropped at how many students attended the school. Oh crud. Now I feel sick. Jack gave my hand a squeeze before going up to the microphone. I guess he's doing the morning pray. As he finished the pray, Tim went next to start the pledge. Oh God. I'm next. As if sensing my distress, Rya held my hand. I looked at her to see her smiling. That smile made her look not so scary and eased my discomfort easily. She only let go to say the pledge. When it was over, I went next. I was shaking as I held the mic. I slowly spoke to start the anthem and stood at attention as the anthem was sung. I felt everyones eyes on me and it made me feel self-conscious. When it was over, I tried my very best not to run back to my friends. Rya gave me a sideway smile, before walking up to the mic. As always, I envy Rya. She carries herself with the grace of a Queen, but has the mentality of a killer. I'm sure Rya has a reason for it, but she won't tell me. Pen and Pam knows, but they won't tell me either. I sighed amd listened to the thought of the day Rya was about to give. Now that I think about it, Rya never did give a thought of the day. Pen always did that. So why..... "The thought of the day is.... Don't wish for something that you want. Get out there and go for it. Nothing ever comes easy." My jaw dropped when she said that. I had no idea Rya thought like that. Despite all the ridiculousness I heard for so long, that one was a little more sensible. Rya closed and walked off the stage followed by the rest of the class. We took our place at the back of the hall and listened to all the announcements made by the teachers. When that was over, we made our way to class. God. I hate to walk so far, especially up three flights of stairs and down the corridor to the very last classroom. I sighed as I finally sat down. Our classroom was quite small and was only able to fit atleast twenty-five students and all the desks were either joined with three tables in three rows, one table for each row placed against the wall where the door was or the tables being turned vertical by the windows. Thank God for all three of my friends being in the same class. Everyone took their seats. I sat in the second row at the third table joined to one of the vertical tables. Rya sat on my right while Pen and Pam took the vertical table to her right. Jack came and sat next to me and pulled out his biology text book. Jack was also my friend. He was sweeter than any of the boys in the class. He had reddish brown, short hair, his skin was sort of dark, but light brown and his eyes were almost black. They looked like contacts to me. And his body had a decent build, but not too much to say he was a macho man. But the one thing I'll never wrap my brain around is his love for the subject Biology, especially when the word "kidney" was involved. Sitting next to him was Jeff. He is major douche. A total jerk, but damn, he's hot. His hair was light brown and long, but he kept it tied which made him more hot. His skin was just as flawless as Rya's, but his was fair. His eyes were a pretty blue and his body.... Damn! That boy works out alot. He must have a really nice build since he never wears the jacket. Tomas sat behind me and well.... Let's just say if you pair up Pen and Tomas, you could swear they were lovers... Or maybe they are. I gotta ask her later. Toby was really cute with an adorable boyish charm. His hair was brown and short, his eyes were also brown, his skin was fair and he had a skinny-ish body, but it definitely did not look bad. Then there is Benny or Ben who sits at the very back of the class. He's always quiet and always wearing a hoody. He has has brown or black, short hair, dark brown eyes that looked really dull almost all the time, but they light up when his best friends around. His skin is a light brown, almost white in complexion and his body seemed to have a nice build. But sometimes I feel him glaring at me behind my back. And finally, Lance. He's incredibly gorgeous. Glossy, short black hair with just a few bangs falling over his eyes in the most hottest way. Flawless caucasian skin. Gorgeous, mysterious blue eyes and the best body I've ever seen. Ever muscle was toned and perfect. He even wore glasses that made him unbelievably hot. Probably hotter than Jeff. And he's not the type of silent hottie who has a majorly disturbing voice. He is THE HOTTIE with the whole package. He was the embodiment of perfection. Oh how I would love to take a huge bite out of that yummy..... "Stop it Mel," I mumbled to myself, pretty much embarrassed and angry with my wayward thoughts. "Stop what Mel?" Rya asked, giving me a sideway glance. I turned pink with even more embarrassment. I had forgotten Rya was sitting right next to me. "It's.... It's nothing. absolutely nothing," I said quickly, waving my hands trying to brush in off. "Are you fantasizing about Tim again?" She asked bluntly. I blushed brighter and hid my face in my folded arms. Why did Rya have to be so straight forward about everything? "Hey Rya, what's wrong with Mel?" Pen asked staring at me. "Yeah, what's up?" Pam came in after. "Nothing. Nothing at all," Rya said matter of factly, "she's just trying to "mask" her feelings." I watched them share a knowing look and frowned. What was the significance of Rya's statement? "Well I hope there is no "hooded" meaning to it," Pen said curiously with a grim look on her face. i suddenly felt as though my friends were hiding something from me. But what? Rya pat my head and whispered, "Let's pretend I didn't hear you and I didn't know about Tim." "Really?" I asked looking up. "Excuse me?" she said, like she didn't hear me. "I said...," before I could finish my sentence, I realized that Rya was pretending not to hear me. I smiled at her and said nothing. She shrugged and went back to reading her.
Remember to use paragraphs.️ Start a new one every time a different person starts speaking, and whenever a new subject is being talked about.
Chapter 5 "Now students today we have a lab. A titration lab." the teacher said, "Since you all are accustomed with your usual partners I'm switching you all up." She held up a piece of paper and started calling names, "Tomas you work with Penelope. Rya you work with Jeff. Pamela you work with Ben...." The teacher continued to ramble on and on about who was paired who. My partner was Rya, but now that she's working with Jeff, I'll be paired with someone who wouldn't do any of the work or just plain lazy. I started thinking up of the people who I might be paired when the teacher surprised me by saying, "Melody you will be working with Lance." "What?!" I screeched, which earned me a look from everyone including him. I covered my mouth and blushed brightly due to my embarrassing outburst. Oh how I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me right there and then. Everyone started moving around to take their place with their new partner. I latched onto Rya's arm as she started to move. "Don't leave me, " I whimpered. She arched an eyebrow at me before prying me off. "You need to relax," she said, "It's only a lab. You won't die." I sighed and bent my head in total distress. "Besides, " she said putting a hand on my head, "It's Lance Mason. Not Jeffery Woods." I blinked as I realize that Rya was paired with Jeff. Oh boy. She seriously hated that guy with a passion. He's doomed. She walked away the same time Lance came up behind me. "Melody?" "Oh! Lance! Hey.... I guess we're.... Ummm... Partners now," I quickly said. "Yes.... We are..." he spoke slowly, not caring much for being flustered. I sighed and sat down at the work bench waiting for the instructions. I knew he hardly every spoke to anyone who isn't his friend, but now that we're partners, I feel so uncomfortable. Even more now that he's this close to me. The teacher handed out the instructions for the titration lab so we could start working. It didn't look that hard, but it wasn't easy either. I got up to get the chemicals as Lance put the apparatus together. When I came back, it was already set and waiting. I started pouring chemicals into the beakers and labelled them as he filled the burette with the acid solution. I labelled three of the conical flasks and started to pipette the alkaline solution, when Lance stopped me. "I'll do this. You just get the indicator, " he said taking the pipette from me. "Okay..." I said before walking back to the teacher's desk to get the indicator solution. I came back in time to see him finish filling the last flask. I smiled before starting the lab. Most of us got frustrated after a few tries, expect for Rya and Pen. Damn. They are smart. After 30 minutes, Pam got through and so did everyone else, expect for me and Lance. We did the same thing 10 times already and didn't get it right. I was both frustrated and sad. Lance didn't give anything away. I sighed and groaned when the bell rang. It was recess time and we hadn't even got one titration right. I wanted to hurt myself, because I knew we won't have the other 2 periods to do them. "We should stay back to finish it," Lance spoke as he poured out our failed attempts. "Okay..." was all I said before going to the teacher. We got permission to stay and complete it, while everyone left. Everyone, expect Ben. He was speaking to Lance, when Lance said something to him and he glared at me. I swore he had a neon sign above his head saying "murder." I gulped as Ben left us. I didn't realize that was holding my breath, when Ben left, I let it out. Lance came back and we continued the lab. 5 minutes went by and there was a question, that was simply gnawing at me to ask Lance, but I tried my best not too. That was until I couldn't take it anymore. "Is Ben your boyfriend? " I blushed brightly when I asked that. "What?" was all he said as he looked at me with a "WTF" look. Someone shoot me. "I was curious, " I said looking anywhere but him. " No.... He isn't..... And I'm straight if you're "curious"," he said, stressing on "curious". "Sorry," I muttered. We remained quiet for a while, before Lance spoke up. "I think the teacher wanted us to be uncomfortable." "I think so too..." There was an even more awkward silence. We had completed the lab with calculations and everything else. All the was left, was to clean up. As I waslked back from throwing away paper towels into the bin, I stepped on a slippery, plastic bag, causing me to slip and fall onto my back. Pain shot straight through me as I sat up. I looked up at Lance to see him staring at me. "What?" I asked completely confused. "I'm.... Uh.... See your... Panties..." he said while blushing. I looked down to see my legs were open and my skirt was pushed up, exposing my pure white underwear. I screamed before pushing them down and turning red. Lance was still staring at me, making me uncomfortable. I bit my lip and stumbled to me feet before breaking into a run. I ran out the lab room and headed straight for the abandon swing set near the Gazebo. I sat on the swing and wept quietly. I wasn't sure for how long I cried, when I felt a hand on my head. Then I heard her. "Melody.... Are you okay?" Rya asked, clearly concerned. "I'm..... Fine..." I said wiping away the tears. "Liar... Tell me," Rya said making me look at her. I looked away as I said Lance, but didn't get to finish when she stormed off. "Mel, why is Rya pissed?" Pam asked me, very worried. "She's gonna kill Lance," I spoke quickly. "What?! Why?!" Pen asked clearly worried. I told her what happened and that it was my fault and not Lance. "Crap!" Pen exclaimed, "Pam stop her!" "I'm on it!" she said while running after Rya. "We should go after them... Like... Now," Pen said pulling me up by the arm. I let her and followed her. I looked at my phone to see it was still recess time, with just one minute to go. We got to the lab in time to see Rya holding Lance by his shirt and had her arm in a mid punch aiming for his handsome face. Pam was trying to calm her, before I stepped in. "It's not his fault Rya... I fell down... That's all," I said, obviously frightened. "Are you sure?" was all she said but didn't put her fist down. "Y-yes..." I stuttered. Rya glared at him before putting her arm doen and releasing him. "You're lucky Melody saved you, " she growled on an inhuman way. He gulped before looking at me and then shrugged. "To be honest, I saw it and didn't care. Much less interested, " he shrugged, "in fact they weren't even that white." I froze at that. She couldn't believe what he just said. He was being inconsiderate. He didn't even say that it was okay or it was just an accident. He was being.... I moved so quick, that my hand made contact with his face in a resounding slap. "Inconsiderate ass!" I screamed out. Pam, Pen and Lance's draw dropped at my outburst. Rya just arched a brow at me. "You idiot! Moron! Dumbass! Stupid!" I shouted every form of insult I could think of, including the ones in different languages. "I hate you Lance Mason!" I screamed one last time at a bewildered Lance holding his reddened cheek. I dashed out of the lab and ran to class. I was crying and my hand stung from the slap. I hate him! I hate him so much! How could I have ever liked him?!