1. Make sure you have this acc connected to a email or your facebook account so you dont lose it 2. Make sure your at a point where your ready to leave this acc for 24hrs coz thats how long you have to wait before can log out of a new acc 3. Go to 3 lines in top left then account, then disconnect from your account. It will provly say you have a limited amount of times you can do it but its not true anymore 4. Make your new account. Make sure you link it to a DIFFERENT email ot facebook account. After 24hrs you can log in and out between the 2 as much as you want. If you have android you can also run on paralel space and run both at the same time but just be careful if buying stuff with real money coz might not go on the acc you want it to (if using paralel space)
But like. After checking your profile.... depending how much you fuckd with ata you will probly be ip banned anyway and cant play no more