It would of been cool if ata let us do our own avatar. Hopefully in the feature we will have a variation of it.But for right now i want u guys to create your own avatar and show it here. Best avatar gets anyyyyy ec gift they want.
Salamander, try to make your thread more descriptive as some might not understand your idea, and make it clear. Once you have many supports email: ,with a link to your thread. That way they have a higher chance of noticing the idea. When emailing remember: Username Game (PimD) Description of why you are emailing them( in your case the thread, remember to have a link to it) Do not send more than one email as that will make response slower. Their response may take up to 24hours. Good luck with this idea, seems interesting.
:| Come on Salamander, you have a good idea there I would love to see your feature in one of the Pimd's updates