
Discussion in 'Activities' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, May 16, 2022.

  1. I wanna practice counting again. Tell me stuff to try do.

    Not + ones coz thats easy as fuck.
    - ones can be any numbers
    x ones dont do it like huge numbers just like medium max coz its a bit hard still a bit
    ÷ ones not to hard. Mostly easy ones coz its still hard to do idk if i remember how to do it fully
    EL-Dorado likes this.
  2. Start counting eggs boi
  3. Nahh thats easy
  4. Count your fingers
    Then count your toes.
    Hurricaine likes this.
  5. Leave it for Count Dracula
    RoseMilkTea, Puma, Rosalia and 2 others like this.
  6. Bro a baby can count to 1
  7. Thats why i made this thread so the baby can learn how to count.
  8. Bro you stupid just stop and learn how to read english
  9. I never went to school coz of financial problems so i don't know how to read properly ☺️
  10. @Day /lock /delete
    Since this dumb fuck cant resd and gotta ruin things
  13. You really need to get a life if you found that funny. It was pitiful as fuck
  14. 1
    I have life and I'm still alive. Healthy and Hearty.