Cost of EC and DN bundles

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Arktouros, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. I have recently found out that the cost of the 1050ec and the 100dn bundles are $99.99 in America and they cost £99.99 in the UK. Converting gbp to usd that means British people are paying approx $132 for the same amount in s bundle and that sucks
  2. Oh my god a Canadian just made a post like this please stop
  3. imagine the people of mexico how much they paying lol don't complain buy it or uninstall thanks.
  4. It does suck but ata sets their prices and we are just stuck with it
  5. Apple also set them play there’s exchange tax
  6. Someone a while back said they use PayPal and then set the currency to USD. I don’t know how well that works, but you could give it a try.
  7. Probably the same person tbh
  8. Link to said thread.