Coolest  Guy On Campus

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jack_Fr0st, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Jack_Fr0st here to tell you I am the coolest  guy on campus, don't believe me?


    How about now? I'm the coolest guy on campus cuz I'm

        

    Disclaimer: this is just a joke for fun  don't get too carried away with it 
  2. NO YOU ARENT!! BOOOO  jk surgeons love you sean
  3. I knew it!!! It's gonna be all about his coolnessnot agreeable at all BURN frosty  say who is the cooler now ME 
  4. *coolest
  5.  quid, squids are not cool 
  6. Frozen squid is cool Sean  haha
  7. Frozen squid is cool Sean  haha
  8. Ewww double post is really uncool 

    And frozen squi isn't as cool as jack_Fr0st 
  9. I'm the coolest  on the planetwhatever jack frost
  10. That's cu no one else on the planet wants to be a  not even 's 
  11. -____-
  12. 
  13. Jack Frost, the little evil wizard in the Rainbow Magic books my smaller sister likes to read?


    You're not cool at all :p
  14. Who are you...?
  15. Jack Frost 

    I don't want snow yet, mister. 
  16. I'm jack frost... Can't u read my name? And I only made a Lil snow 
  17. Jack keep to CC :/

    TYS :roll: