[Contest] PIMD Haikus

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Apr 22, 2019.

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  1. PIMD Haiku Contest

    Hello, all! It's Hailey, and...

    My last contest thrived,
    so I'll give you a sequel!
    Below are details...

    As I said in my own little haiku, I previously held a drawing contest that I think went quite well! So for the unartistically inclined, I decided to hold another one.


    Create a PIMD-themed haiku!

    For those that do not know, a haiku is a type of poem that originates in Japan.

    The rules of a haiku are simple, but forming one can be very difficult. It does not require any rhyme scheme, but it must be 3 lines long and each line must have a certain amount of syllables. The first has 5 syllables, the second has 7, and the third one has 5 again.

    And, of course, I am requiring you to keep the poem PIMD-themed.


    There will be 3 winners, at different placements. The placements and prizes awarded are as follows:

    First Place
    • 1× Otaku Party Amp
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Floor Plant
    • 1× Holo-Crystal Lamp
    • 1× 3mcs Lip Smacking Smoothie
    • 1× 500kcs Basketball Team Cookies
    • 1× 400kcs Flowering Paper
    • 1× 250kcs Easter Tulips
    • 53× Bolts (Non-Starter)
    • 25× Nuts (Non-Starter)
    • 198× Washers (Non-Starter)
    • 4× Countdown Boxes

    Second Place
    • 1× Bro Code Party Amp
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Tea Tray
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Wreath
    • 1× 1mcs Playerade
    • 1× 250kcs Fabric Lei
    • 1× 250kcs Popcorn Basket-Bag
    • 51× Bolts (Non-Starter)
    • 25× Nuts (Non-Starter)
    • 196× Washers (Non-Starter)
    • 3× Countdown Boxes

    Third Place
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Wallpaper
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Floor
    • 1× "Buns and Roses" Display Shelves
    • 1× 250kcs Referee Water Bottle
    • 1× 250kcs Shot Spinner
    • 1× 250kcs Sweet and Sour Sunglasses
    • 51× Bolts (Non-Starter)
    • 25× Nuts (Non-Starter)
    • 196× Washers (Non-Starter)
    • 1× Countdown Box

    Donations are welcome. You may remain anonymous if you would like.

    Prize pot donations must be sent in by Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 at 12PM Pacific Daylight Time (aka changeover). This is so I have time before the contest officially ends to divide the prizes up and have this original post updated.

    Prize pot donation deadline has occured. Donations are no longer being accepted.


    The contest will end on Thursday, May 2nd, 2019, at 12PM Pacific Daylight Time (aka changeover).

    All entries must be posted in this thread prior to the deadline.

    Special Thanks

    I would like to publicly thank the following people...

    @iLacyThotWantsToSpankYou | @-iAMgRooT
    @RawringHotCoffee | Anonymous Donors

    ☆ Good luck! ☆

  2. Question, will PIMD be counted as 4? Cause hats how I say it in my head
  3. Yes, and any other acronyms will work the same way.
  4. Oof. This is, like, the one thing I can't write besides essays. :(
  5. I’d like to remain anonymous ty
  6. My last ten dollars
    Lunch or extra credits? So
    many ways to cook Ramen.
  7. :lol:.
  8. Are we allowed to post only one entry or can we write more than one?
  9. Oooh, I love writing essays. I'll write your essays for 1 bento per sentence ty. :)

    Real talk though hmu if you need someone to edit or read over any essays you got. Or writing in general (except for this contest). I love it cuz I'm a huge ass nerd.
  10. Hope y’all like it
    *clears throat*

    Life here is crazy
    Sfw, Forums, The Pub
    Watch out for thirsties
  11. Good question!

    One entry per person! (Don't try to use alts for multiple entries either cuz that's not nice.)

    The contest is a bit over week and a half long, so don't feel pressured to post an entry today. Make sure you're very pleased with your entry when you post it.
  12. That's a reasonable price. It's a shake I don't have to write them anymore.

    But this is good advertising.
  13. I am scared of pub
    I am frightened of campus
    I don't talk in club

    ; )
  14. Beautiful
  15. PIMD sucks
    But you players eat it up
    By burning your bucks

  16. 

    Knowing the game hard,
    Keeps you second to no one.
    Better keep it up!

  17. What are the rules to count poetic syllables in English?? Because in Spanish it's not the same grammatical syllables than poetical... I tried unsuccessfully to Google this, but I get translators of "metrics" or the word in different contexts.
  18. You are very shy
    You should express yourself
    Heck! Don't be afraid!

    (Not an entry, not directly PIMD related, just practicing).
  19. You might find this helpful! If not, let me know and I can try explaining it myself or finding other websites that might be helpful. I think this website helps explain it fairly well though. Simple & concise.

  20. Slútty egg arpee.
    PVP or fairy noob.
    Ew, mods! Shady moon.

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