[Contest] How Well Do You Know PIMD?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_KaramelApples-, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. I’m back again with a new and improved trivia/questions thingy ? This time you’ll submit answers via a Typeform! sorry dis time it’s not for a crate, BUT keep your eyes peeled cuz I’ll probably do one of those soon! ?

    Rules and Other Info!

    • 1 Entry per person please!
    • No cheating! (this time around I changed how entries are submitted so hopefully this helps to stop cheaters )
    • As always, follow ToU!
    • Contest will end Tuesday, or 4 days from now!


    1st Place:
    Bed 100 Shards

    2nd Place:
    Bookcase 75 Shards

    3rd Place:
    Chair 50 Shards

    4th Place:
    Plant 25 Shards

    5th Place:
    Above Plant Poster

    Bonus Prize:
    First person to answer all questions correctly will get a Desk + 150 Shards!
    (this person will not be included for 1st-5th place prizes)

    Choosing Winners!

    Each question is worth a certain number of points, so I’ll choose winners based on whoever has the most points! If there’s a tie, whoever submitted their answers first/sooner will place higher.


    I had to make 2 separate Typeforms, so make sure you answer both! Good luck guys, I made some of these questions harder ??

    Note: It might be useful to save/write your answers in a note somewhere, since you’ll probably have to go back and forth between the game and the Typeform.

    Contest Questions Part 1!

    Contest Questions Part 2!
  2. Oooooh I like the idea of a typeform response! I wanna enter... but like... not for the prize, just for funsies! ?
  3. Lmao I don't even know the answer to the first question so congrats to you on the great questions and good luck to those who enter!
  4. I decided to make you guys suffer ?

    FYI though, all answers can be found somewhere on the game, I wouldn’t be that mean to ask a question you can’t find an answer to 
  5. Genuine question. I have never used typeforms. Are they better than google forms?
  6. Your rude these questions are deadly...
  7. Yes
  8. Ehhm tbh this is my first time using Typeforms, and I’ve never used Google forms so idk  this was pretty easy to use tho and it gives different response options, but if you try to customize the colors/design it gets a little confusing lol
  9. Ima try it out. Always good to have options. Thanks
  10. Conclusion: I’m a stupid noob idiot.
  11. Great questions. Took me a while. ?
  12. Completed both Typeforms. ? Good job this time.
  13. this time ;-; lmao jk, thank you! ?
  14. I think the first question is the hardest to find an answer to 
  15. I know I've seen it... I just can't find it. .-.
  16. Like I ain’t answering them but instead of the 666 question you shoulda asked how to if possible, reach those stats ?
  17. I mean the last one was good as well, but I think this time you did more difficult questions + the Typeform was a good way to prevent cheating. Hopefully next time you do a PIMD quiz it'll be for those delicious crates :p
  18. It’s definitely on my list of things to do! I just wanted one more test run in case this one failed 
    I considered that tbh, but too much math and double checking :p I ain’t got time for that :lol:

    Also guys, don’t forget to answer the second typeform as well! A couple of you are missing it ?
  19. O I have that info tho ? but okay less struggle