[Contest] Couple Matched Avatars

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Qrow, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. Hey guys so my girlfriend and I came up with this avatar matching game the other day purely as a fun fashion show kind of gig which ultimately gave rise to this competition for all of you couples with creative minds that also enjoy doing random things with their in-game rs or in rl boyfriend/girlfriend. So what you have to do is simply take a screenshot after matching your avatars then go to any online link converter such as: TinyPic, Imgur, Photobucket and so on-copy the link and paste it in your comments.


    Matched avatars that would not qualify:

    Paired avatars of same hunt

    Matched avatars that would qualify:

    Different paired avatars of same hunt

    Old and new hunt avatars

    Only one entry per person and two entries in total from both the rs if you tried two combinations.

    You can’t use the same combination we did or anyone else has already posted.


    All submissions should reach max by May 10th, 2019 at 1900 hours BST (07:00 pm GMT 1)


    Now the ultimate question what’s the prize if it’s a contest so without further ado here’s what it’s all about!

    Winner: Bento
    1st Runner-up: 1MCS item
    2nd Runner-up: 500KCS item


    To my rs Luckykristy the inspiration behind this contest

    To Muschi who helped me with technical bits since I’m a nooblet with forum posts


  2. Cute post! I'll be back with something, hopefully my rs will be up for it!
  3. All the best
  4. I will have to convince my rs for this, it sounds fun ?
  5. Someone be my rs 
  6. Awh, I like this! I'll see if I can get my RS on board. ?
  7. Couple of Archers

  8. Let me start matching, can we do gender bender if got more female here and rs has more male ?
  9. Yes you can, there is no restriction to that.
  10. O cute. Alas i cannot enter
  11. This is cute ?
    I'll enter later when my rs awakes
  12. Awww cute! My rs and I have been trying to get matching Avis, but we don’t have any similar ones (except from hunt stories). I’m excited to see all the matchy matchy couples ?
  13. It’s a mix and match, you guys can do this. We even mixed up bright and dark, ominous and gentle so it’s basically anything that piques you both in a Matched Pair ️
  14. I'm too impatient to wait for my rs to wake up sO here is my entry with avatars that are not afraid to show their good side.

    maybe I'll get him to post an entry as well.

  15. Am I doing this right? Anywho, yah, cute gay couple.
  16. uh i don’t wanna say it ?
  17. best 10 years later challenge
  18. LOLLL they do look alike a little, haha
  19. If your creativity befits that then I say why not ??