
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Heartless, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. Sorry for such a noob question but how come people who are like 20mcs+ or 30mcs+ can hit me like 10 times when I’m only 8mcs? I understand misc stats and your rs stats play into this but it makes no sense. When I try and hit back I fail or can’t I didn’t think people with big stats could hit someone who’s like half their size. I don’t really care about the hits or sfw it’s part of the game so I’m not complaining about that. I would just like a a fair advantage when someone is hitting me back so I atleast have a chance at hitting them back.
  2. Idk it's something to do with a bucket and miscellaneousness. Someone else wanna take over?
  3. Reasons unbeknownst to everyone