Concert tickets

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jessiebabe18, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. I wanting to get justin bieber conceet tickets. Any ideas on how to earn some of the money?
  2. Get yourself a job.../.- DUH
  3. Do stuff for your family and friends besides nagging for tickets, then they might give you a reward.
  4. This thread belongs in off-topic, I don't know why you are posting it here. The name of the section is clear: Fan Fiction.
  5. Jessica, stop. Just stop. You need to quit posting in Fan Fiction unless you are going to post a story or a GOOD Roleplay. Asking for a club, ways to earn money, things like that belong in off topic. NOT FAN FICTION. This place is for story related topics not for the crap you keep posting. If I sound rude, I don't care. I am simply pointing out the obvious which you should already know.