===++===++===++===++===++===++===++=== FORUM DRAMA ===++===++===++===++===++===++===++=== “There are times when disagreements are unavoidable. It is a Consequence of staying true to your own ideals and beliefs. Just remember...Do not let it dismish your respect for the opponet you are clashing with, It is never acceptable to let it turn into hatred or grudge since then violence will be the only possible outcome.” (Makarov Dryer) Forum Drama How to read this chapter? Read from RIGHT to LEFT Yep, this thread is dedicated for those who like to bashing other... so come to this thread and just fight here... i don’t mind this thread getting locked Have a nice day you all... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ STAY HAPPY AND KEEP SMILE! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
I am the nicest person here in the community and y'all should follow the example of a humble person like me ?. help me!! I wanna run away from this addiction
Is Hakuna meant to be Takane? :lol Fr when do I argue though? I had a spat this morning on your thread ? but it doesn't happen very often at all.
Two characters have already been misappropriated as one has currently dedicated hours to randomly bashing me on forums and the other finally stopping after months. @op you díck ride and that's why many people don't respect you. You've chosen to kiss ass and pick sides instead of remaining neutral. Then you usually stop responding after being called out for it. Less people would focus on your comics, but you try to hard by desperately trying to appeal to those who you think of as "cool." I don't bash anyone though. I occasionally will roast someone, but I'm just blunt. Instead of acting like you don't care about your threads possibly getting locked, taking subliminal at players active on forums and the absence of moderators... Why don't you go back to making comics that aren't subliminal to ANYONE? Why don't you just be yourself and make comics how you used to that made many people laugh and smile? We're both artists, no hate here, but you can do better. Don't try to appeal to a select few... Expand your audience... Like you did with your Mulva comics. Those were interesting.
Oh thank you i didn't know you understand me so well... i was just bored and so i tried to make forumer comic tbh...
Quit taking a dump on creativity I believe it was made on short notice after watching y’all dump comments on each other through her thread