coffe addicts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed10748, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. what type of coffee brand do you guys prefer and how do you prepare it
  2. Folgers black silk, milk 1 sugar.
  3. I don't drink coffee. I like tea.
  4. Lock request... TEA ..
  5. Starbucks
    I’m an addicted I been a gold card member since 2012
    Jaidah likes this.
  6. I get Mexican coffee and add a little cream
  7. well what tea do u prefer wednesday
  8. That's what I'm talking about. ??
  9. Rooibos is my favourite. It has no caffeine so it's fine to drink at any time. And green teas can be nice, too.
  10. Tim Hortons new instant coffee medium roast
  11. Folger's columbian roast, a little cream and sugar. Or donut shop K-cups. Or mochas/caramel latte's from Dunkin Donuts or gas stations.
  12. You spelt Coffee wrong ?️
  13. I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out
  14. Dat Cuban espresso coffee, black, in my little Puerto Rican tea cup and have a heart attack 2 mins later.
  15. I like water
  16. Black espresso. Coffee is too watered down, and I'd rather have tea at that point because it has better flavor.
  17. Unhealthy.
  18. I don't drink coffee. I drink water.
  19. Koffee kult, freshly grind, black with a tsp of sugar (or cane syrup if available)

    Or just nescafe ??‍♂️