Do you guys think that the club prices are too high? I personally think so because I don't have that much money and people with high ks have that kind of money.They need to have clubs for people who are new with no money and like to war with people with even stats but now ur gonna get farmed by people with 20ks.What do you think about the club prices?
If you can't afford to create a club, you're obviously not experienced enough to create a club. The main idea of creating a club is to pass on wisdom to the younger generation of PiMDers. Also if you can't afford to create a club then how are you going to afford to volley your members or strip them? Also, the developers increased the price of clubs because too many sexting clubs were being created, taking up so much space. Now, sexters can not be bothered to earn $200Mil, thus reducing the amount of sexting clubs. And, the amount of clubs created by silenced people to send messages through campus and to use vulgar words were horrific. Also clubs were being created with names like 'mods are gay' and then disbanded seconds after. Again, not many people who are silenced can afford to waste $200Mil on a club that will last 5 seconds. The developers are being very generous by decreasing the club price from $1Bil so we are quite lucky. It will be a long time before any more drastic changes are made towards club prices.