Any club owners/admins getting annoyed with the candy Mercs? On one hand they help the club finish the party early, allowing a new party to start sooner. On the other hand, they are coming in and getting the rewards that the club members made possible, over time collecting more than the members who don't leave the club. We've been seeing a lot of players joining for the last bar, collecting candy and leaving. I see there are two options... 1) don't accept Mercs for parties. We can always win without the help. 2) let them join for the last TWO bars and put in a little more effort to earn their candy. I'd like to try option 2. It will help the club by allowing the party to finish sooner. Additionally, the club member who played the entire party won't feel like "maybe i should be out merc'ing too". Any other clubs thinking along these lines? Obviously this will only work if other clubs adopt the same strategy. Curious to hear opinions.
even if u dont they will just go to a different club so why pass up the option to kill last bars easy? may not be fair but it will happen with or without your support
We don't let them in on the last page. We can finish in half an hour anyway so don't need them. Candy leeches aren't welcome
Ascension actually had a convo on that. It is so freaking annoying. Even though I don't own the club I get the point they're making. All they do is come at the very end and hit once and let the club do all the work while they get the rewards. It's just plain rude really.
The rewards should be tiered on how many hits you make. That's my thought. One hit shouldn't get you the same reward as someone who made 100.
Dissension in Ascension lol. But glad to see others are discussing it as well. Still trying to figure it out
110% agree with caspy. And like she said we don't let them in. I don't know why everyone is freaking out over this candy drops when you can actually do it in your own club. Just work out the math to it. It's easily Achievable. I get some people ask for help on Campus that's their choice because they needed. Some people will see (LBH) as them helping a club finish the party. While others will simple see them as greedy and just taken advantage of other's hard work. The prices are not just going to be given to the first person that reaches the target. So why not just stay and earn them with your club. Surely is more rewarding if everyone gets something not just the one or 2 people that are selfish and it's all about them. ?Happy ? hunting all?
Just don't lump all mercs together. It's what I do pretty much full time, not just for the candy. Sure, I've joined during last bars...but not just for the candy. Just sayin, some of us have always been mercs and there was never any complaint about us helping knock out a party before. Now that it's working to my advantage, it's frowned upon? Maybe some are doing it for the candy, but don't hold it against those of us who have been mercing for a long time
Tends not to be an issue here as usually full. Can see Rob's view, i guess there is a difference between mercing for mercing and mercing for a candy rich last bar. If the bigger clubs shut their doors on last 2 bars unless they need help it pushes the help to the right places where its needed.
Well this candy hunt shows people who is loyal to their club. Those last bar hitters doesn't have my respect.
I hate it when candy mercs are getting mad because the club is full and they can't get in. I'm a merc too but i don't get angry when i can't get in. I just wait for another post asking for help on campus.
Just don't let them in its that simple And really farming all last bar hitters yeah good luck with that
seriously ppl.. U all have the choice to LOCK DOOR IN LAST BAR.. If ur annoyed then lock the doors.. u ain't gonna stop us tho.. Oh n about club loyalty .. My club owner is LBH too my pupil is LBH .. I'm not looking for respect n Im not hiding what I want.. Yes I only party for candies , yes I think it's unfair to get same candies with someone who was in party since bar1 but that's the way the game is.. u don't like LBH? Close ur doors but I'm pretty sure all of u like LBH when regular parties were on n u were about to fail ur party.. Didn't u ?
Look at the people who sell free items!! That's even worse in my opinion!! I'm so glad they aren't letting new items be gifted Bc of it!! Even though it sucks for those of us who would trade items or be generous and gift our extras, but I guess that's what happens when people get greedy!!