Club History Idea??

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by Johanna, May 2, 2019.

  1. I think I’m the club party history there should be a line that shows how many doctors notes each user used.

    This would help cat clubs especially.

    Neither watching how many times someone’s name pops up or counting their hits are either very accurate because they vary depending on bar.

    What do you guys think?
  2. This isn’t exactly a bad idea, however the amount of hits you made on the party usually give people a good indication as to how many dns were actually used? So there’s not really, a need for it.
  3. Except that I was just accused of using one when I hadn’t and I’ve had friends that were kicked from clubs when they hadn’t used any at all. So it’s not entirely accurate. If people are paying real money for these clubs it’s not fair for them to be kicked baselessly.
  4. That’s a fair point, however, if your club cannot work out the simple hph ratio, is it really one you want to be in anyway?
  5. Not particularly but I already paid my cat 
  6. You can't use a doctor's note on a party. You can only use your energy on a party.
  7. I see your point but you can use DNs DURING a party. I don’t think it would be too difficult to log which users use them during that timeframe
  8. Just because someone uses a dn during a party doesn't mean they used the energy gained from it to hit a party

    you can also lose energy by being hit, hitting other players, or farming jobs.
  9. RT
  10. ???
  11. This

  13. Not to mention the fact you can see how people hit in party as it is in progress...pretty easy to spot someone overhitting then and party history confirming it (compare to general amount of hits). I'd say it is a pretty bulletproof method. Of course there will always be mistakes made, afterall we're all just humans :) Reasoning with admins might be just as good solution to these kind of problems...I reckon that the idea is good one, but could be target for more misunderstandings. Therefore I think the negative effects overweight the positive here. Of course just my opinion.
  14. This could make it harder to get away with using more DNs than allowed. No support.
  15. Oddly this has been mentioned previously a few times and gets pretty positive support ?
  16. Objectively, it is a good idea- especially for admins.