Got cut off Anyways due to several events both irl and pimd I don't see much point in staying but want to say my final goodbyes before I actually leave. It was real fun. I y'all.
Foot (ex daddy) I wanna quit cuz my closest friends quit, or just have gone anal and made pimd no more fun i still u tho. I just don't need the extra stress
There's no stress involved if you make this a place of comfort! Take a vaycay! Just a week to getaway from it all then come back to us. I don't know you, but I've seen you around PiMD a very long time. I can't speak for the community, but on behalf of all the unicorns. Stay for the ride. HaHaHa.
She Is not a guynoob She is one of the most sweetest kindest women to play this Game. And don't blame it on the mods and rules. You have no idea why she is leaving and to try and justify her leaving by bashing the mods shows how ignorant you are