Okay clearly there's been a lot of third party SS being posted by my favorite fan and minor, Shane. What Shane neglects to show are the portions of conversation leading up to my remarks. Granted, I probably should hold my tongue but after repeated posts regarding my race, my girlfriend, my parents, threats of a personal nature on an almost daily basis by certain individuals, even the most patient of people tends to lose their composure. I will not make excuses for my comments but feel people need to think in the context of being in someone else's shoes first. In regards, to Mrs. Gemini's opinion and comments. By all means read those SS any way you wish. I have done more than my fair share with the military so please before you start chanting your Budweiser, Ford F-150 rant about patriotism, maybe you could actually contribute to the military in the way I do daily for a living rather than sit on the sidelines waving your flag at the county Independence Day parade.
Let's see your side pun... Call your dog off and tell her to give it more than 3 minutes to stay up. All I see is 20pun comments to their 1.
I think spit is the only one's around here who just keeps rl shit out of this damn game. WHY CAN'T WE JUST HAVE FRIENDLY GAME-RELATED TRASH TALK AND PLAY THE GODDAMN GAME
People take this app too seriously after investing their time and money this game is now their rl or a big part of it
Shane, those who know me have already seen the other side which may explain them still standing by my side. Ever think of that? Why would so many people remain in a club if my remarks were of such vile origination with no provocation? You do the math.
I don't think overt racism is ever excusable in this day and age regardless of your reasoning or any provocation. Making threats of bodily harm to an individual you've never met on game is also inexcusable regardless of who you know and what you do. Think it's time for some self reflection?
They are still their so you don't sf them... Would want to "support" another club. Say fuck rs and pun will be on you. Same as you did Bina, because she didn't support you.
So you don't like personal attacks about race and threats and other stuff thst doesn't belong on a game that we all play for fun most of us anyway but you don't mind dissin them out maybe you should treat people how you wanna be treated regardless of how they act