Choose one

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Jamaican_Goddess, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Would you rather
    Have to use sandpaper as toilet paper
    Have to use hot sauce as eye drops
  2. Ig sandpaper since toilet paper isn't necessary. Buy a bidet if u can afford it.
  3. Hot sauce as eye drops cause I never need them
  4. Was going to say this but then what about the one day when you actually do need them? ? everyone hates insurance until their house floods/burns down
  5. True ?
  6. Is there a "Neither" option?
  7. Ofc not. You must choose one or the world will end
  8. Then, neither pls.
  9. Hold on lemme Astro project. Then it can be destroyed
  10. I’d rather suck myself
  11. If u surgically remove a rib like Marilyn Manson did, you can
  12. Sand paper, sir
  13. Sandpaper but you didn't say what grit so players choice ?
  14. Never used eyedrops in my life and I can put the hotsauce on my fisheyes at dinner time. Yummo!
  15. Sandpaper because i use WATER

    I use a bidet or a small plant watering can.
    Toilet paper are used for drying up 

    Plus way cleaner than regular toilet paper
  16. A watering can? How does this work
  17. I'm sorry. So does your ass grow by watering it
  18. Wouldn't a watering can not have enough pressure to clean like a bidet would?
  19. So that's how Kim k did it. I knew it was all natural and none of these 'implants' ppl keep talking about.