Chatterbox Gifts

Discussion in 'Activities' started by RinaBoBina, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. Chatterbox Gifts

    I dont know if you remember making these as a child, but I personally loved chatter boxes. They were a huge thing when I was younger, and they'd always seem to "determine your fate", as in, you either got praised and were lucky, or got something silly like "you smell like poop" and got teased and laughed at all day :lol:

    - Choose a colour and post it either below (if you don't mind waiting until I check the thread) or post one on my wall (for hopefully a faster response). The choices are:
    - Pink
    - Blue
    - Orange
    - Green

    - Choose a number between 1 and 8 (1 and 8 are also included)
    - I will then gift you one of eight gift options available, depending on which number you've chosen :p

    So, who wants to play? :)

    Shoutout to QueenThotSonia for being a little bee bum and continuously asking me to make a silly thread
  2. I'm making a chatterbox now  so if I'm delayed or anything, I'm sorry, just keep ya hair on, don't get ya knickers in a twist, and be patient. Ta
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