Missed it? Now you can re-read the epicness in June! Enjoy [For viewing purposes it's advised to copy and paste the link on safari and read it from there] [url=http://www.google.com/search?q=site:forum.partyinmydorm.com channel news pimd
Cool bro. If you want to keep it going that's fine, but please, please, please... I don't want to compete. I'll pull the PIMD Star out of the forums.
I won't do it if you compete. I don't want the stress of competing. I already am having EXTREMELY low success.
Not enough people like mine to have it be successful enough to compete. Plus: Yours would get 3x the likez.
Not anymore :roll: Most of my readers left... I did try remaking in July when I was in A51. My readers fell by half.
There's ALWAYS competition. I am releasing Issue 3 of Boo's News on Wednesday! A little friendly competition can never hurt... Boo