C'est la Vie..

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by _PlayfulSweetHeart_, May 27, 2011.

  1. Charisse sauntered down Rue Merciére, her favorite area in Strasbourg, France. The beauty of the shops made her feel at home, each window display inviting her with beautiful gowns, like at Boutique Tussi. The soft clicking of Charisse's rouge stilettos comforted her as she headed into La Cure Gourmande, the mafnifique candy shop by a tourist soveniur store. As soon as she stepped into the shop's heavily lighted atmosphere, her heart leapt with excitement. Candy from every walk of life greeted her with delight. Rows of chocolat and hard candies covered the walls, smiling rainbows. Charisse ran her finger along the side of the candies, pondering on her choice of the month. She whipped her blonde hair back and headed to the counter where tourists and locals were ordering their poison. She smiled,her cherry lips shining in the light. As she waited in line, she noticed the man in front of her reading from a small book in amateur French to the cashier. Peeking, over she saw it was a translateur book. The words "biscuiteur" and "Bon, merci" slipped from his lips. Cherisse manages to get glimpse of the man. He was a handsome American boy about her age, with soft brown eyes and dark raven, noir hair. Stunned, she hardly noticed his broken French as he asked for the biscuit of the day. His warm eyes were intoxicating and she seemed to melt away...
  2. So far so good :p
  3. Remercie mon bon ami, Jake:) thanks
  4. I wanna be in it, I wanna be a super sexy American
  5. I have blue sparkling eyes and dark hair
  6. Nice Details btw
  7. Lmao Damien okay but you are going to have brown eyes..btw this is a true story of how I came to America..
  8. Dammit! Ok, as long as you at least call me Damien
  9. Lol of course..Jake do you want to be in it..Sean had a best friend when he visited France.. err in this case Damien's best friend
  10. I have green eyes brown hair oh well, it's an excellent story I love it excellent details two thumbs up
  11. Jake wants to be in it
  12. Lol okay :) I will write more soon:)
  13. This time I should be in it too bad my names Forrest  oh well
  14. Forrest, like Forrest Gump
  15. Lol :lol:
  16. I could put you in there Forrest lol but the only other guy in this story is my dad and my gay friend..
  17. Haha I was born before the movie came out I was named after my great great grandfather
  18. I'll take the spot as dad