Cash per hit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Night_Predetor_-, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Right to the point.....
    How much do you earn when you hit the purple or red fight bar at a party? And at what stats?
    Note - cashout at tutor max plunder
    I'll start!

    Red Bar - 11.4m
    Purple Bar - 14.6m
  2. red bar and purple bar....good lord.....
  3. For simplicity's sake....?
  4. So much money per bar tht yu'll get jelly if I tell yu fam
  5. Where's the orange bar?
  6. How much cash do I make for the blue bar!?
  7. This was a mistake ?
  9. Right
  10. You forgot the blue bar ;(
  11. Blue and purple are the same to him :(
  12. Oh no :(
    Is the red like the orange??
  13. Enough to buy a Rolls Royce
  14. Yesh, it's so sad :(
  15. Gurl he blind then ;(
  16. Yeah..that's why it's sad :'(
  17. :lol:
  18. Dont forget the red one ?
  19. You were a mistake