Cant wait for Candy Promo to Be Over

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Complete_Chaos-, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. Well we have about one week left of this candy madness to be over, Then hopefully we can go back to getting 2x the Cash and maybe new drops. Seems all anyone cares about is jumping around from party to party, although I have done it too its quite boring already. I like when club members are completing their own parties instead of some clubs sitting dead because their members are out trying to be LBH. Any way since y'all are doing it good luck... Hope y'all reach your goals.
  2. I don't care about any more promos. I just want this candy hunt to be over 
  3. What makes you think they will bring the promos back? In my opinion devs have been extremely generous in all the promos they've already given us, not including all the new items and parties. ?
  4. I agree im ready for it to be over too
  5. Can't wait for you to leave
  6. Oh wait you're not that 4kcs noob?
  7. This is my opinion and sorry if you disagree. BTW no I'm not a 4 kcs noob, actually only been playing a little over 2 months so my stats speak for themselves.
  8. Fuck parties


    The beginning of something fantastic or craptastic
  10. Agreedpimd should make a promo that's good for home clubs
  11. Lol everyone says how much parties suck, yet you all still party... They're not forcing you to party, you just want to do it.

    If you wanna war then challenge someone to a war. If that doesn't work, farm an active lol, that should get their attention
  12. The Devs have been generous? You do realise this is a game right? A game that inevitably comes down to money. Yes of course it's nice that the devs have given people new aims and objectives, new things to aim for and new items/drops but isn't that their jobs? To keep people interested in the game, to "mix it it" and to give people a reason to spend money on the game(I refer mainly to the x2 parties ect) so I don't feel generous is the best word. See what works ATA, see what keeps people interested, spending money and has the best results and stick with it. Business 101 
  13. me 2 this promo ruined clubs
  14. Agree with Aiden.

    Its ATA's job to keep the game interesting and to bring out new achievements and goals etc

    You realise they benefit just as much as we do from all the party promos right. If you truly believe they do all of this for the players sole benefit then Id say you are deluded
  15. That's what you'd expect from promos like this lol
  16. Anybody that creates a game is all about making money, that was not what this post was about that's common sense. My point is there are so many people running for this candy that the promo is ridiculously boring. Not to mention extremely bias. If your not 400 kcs or higher you cannot get into pro parties with all the bigger candy drops, so who's this benefiting exactly. I have over 400 candy with no shot at 1100. I'm not small but was turned down by clubs for pros asking for 200 kcs. Only high kcs players will receive the top prizes so as far as ATA being generous I don't see it. My point was simple to get back to the game where going to your HC meant more than getting this candy.
  17. Bella,1. Because players have the stats doesn't mean they'll get top prizes maybe evening lowering their odds spending so much time on those long parties 2. I've seen lower kcs 100-200kcs have 603 today. You cant blame your stats on your work. The total amt of candies reflects how much you worked for it not stats not pros just you.
  18. Your actually wrong.. I play all day everyday and I did go party hopping for weeks got 100 from beta wars so telling me its my own fault is kinda ridiculous and just defending the candy is easier to get for higher stats. Its simple math. While you are saying there's a FEW lower pics at 603 right now proves nothing. There are MOSTLY higher kcs ppl in that catagory . Its simply math by the way not time. I graduated NYU with a 3.8 GPA. I can handle statistics and simple math. Ty for your reply btw appreciate your feed back :)
  19. candy is just the begining have fun lbh hunting for 1100 christmas cookies in December
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