What exactly do you need help with? •How to farm? •how to war? •How to party? •How to volley? •how to get max plunder/tb? •How to upgrade efficently? •how to make best plunder? •How to participate in events? There are a lot of other things to lol Please be exact with your question or i can't help you lmao
Bonus from tutors is the tb. Mine is low as i do not war often. Like i said in pm, if you plan to war or bl hit. I suggest you tut up. If not then don't worry about the tutors stats
My advice is play every aspect of the game such as: partying, warring, bl hitting, pwarring, and sfw. After that just pick your favorites and then start building around your choices
I may suggest, find a nice pupil who could guide you with proper upgrading and who could give you some strategies on how to earn cash. Asking random people to hire you so you can earn cash wont help you much
[{^But not a noobzilla pup}] [{check for fight losses. If they have a lot, they aint afraid to get hit. You want that pup}]