Calling all BigBlock's tuts!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---IllIV-Master_Yoda-VlIlI---, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Today is National Spam BigBlock's tut chat day!! Seeing as how he has a billion tuts there's no way to be able to figure out all of his tuts are, so this is one of several attempts to contact you all.

    Please leave him words of encouragement, emoji, or just plain random shit.

    Don't worry I'm his wife. And as we all know "thou shalt love thy wife no matter how much spamming she inflicts upon you" ...or something along those lines.

  2.  Kayla I say we should just Make it National Spam BigBlock Day
  3. 

    Actually I was considering this so that anyone he doesn't own can participate in the love 

    You heard it here first, anyone who cannot participate in the tut chat business, feel free to leave a few comments on his wall 
  4. Sure  who's ur punching bag? 
  5. I'm going to spam my BodyGuard's wall 
  6. lolz 
  7.  oh I think I remember now but I was confuse who u were at then I figured out u changed ur name 
  8. Kay block gunna beast u 