Buying Dorm Mates with EC

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bbg, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. Since this game is already like pay to win what y’all think about opening and buying dorm mates with Extra Credits ;-). Would be expensive as hell but I mean I already see 1mcs people in top 10 hunt leaderboards. People would buy it.

  2. technically you already can buy them with ec. buying cats and flashing them gives you money to buy dormmates. :•)
  3. I mean like an extra option like “Insufficient Funds, do you wanna buy (amount) with EC”
  4. What? No. lol
  5. Support.Not gonna be stuck having to party to earn money to upgrade
  6. the in-game bank already has an ec to cash converter
  7. In Dorm lmaoo you get like 40b for 15 ec
  8. is cash whether the converter is put in the dorm or in the bank.