Buying 99ecs Vip Mask

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kessar, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Any Vip mask(M) sellers? Wall Me please
  2. Posting in Pub/Campus would help better.

    If that doesn’t help,
    Rigorous941 is a trusted ec gift seller.
    You can buy from him.

    Or Alaska since I bought mine from her.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. Thank i try
  4. Do you have to buy the vip primum to use the mask?
  5. No, you just need to be gifted a 99ec mask
  6. I just got to this task, so feel free to wall me if those other sellers don't work out!
  7. I have been gifted it but it wont start
  8. If you have not finished the first section, then the second part will automatically start when you have finished