Buy shards that I want

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HeartlessChaoticAttitude, Nov 25, 2023.


Would you like to buy zodiac avatars by choice instead of trading shards?

Poll closed Nov 26, 2023.
  1. Buy zodiac shards as usual for trade

  2. Buy zodiac avatar of choice without buying shards

  1. I would love the ability to be able to buy the shards of my choice, to get the avatar that I want. Not wasting by wasting time and energy, which doesn’t always work out during trades.
  2. This is possible by buying the shard boxes when they are available
  3. But also if its a waste of time and energy for you to do the thing then you clearly dont want the thing at all. Otherwise it would be worth the time and energy...not a waste
    Reee likes this.
  4. Personally, I think it’s much better for shard avatar pricing to be determined by the market than having ATA arbitrarily set a price. As can be seen from the tradable avatars release, they aren’t afraid to set ridiculous prices and use gambling mechanics to fleece you—they really charged 399 ec for a 1/6 chance of getting the avatar you want.

    The new shard avis are expensive now because the shards are mostly from ec boxes and demand is high, but the price will definitely go down. Demand will die down once people get what they want, and the shards will become much more common as people start getting them free from hunts.

    The prices typically reach 4🍱 after a month and bottom out at 1-2🍱 after a few months. When you consider that the ec:🍱 conversion rate is around 20-25 ec:🍱, this is much more reasonable than the prices ATA typically charges for avatars.