
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-_-ItsLizzy-_- (01), Aug 8, 2013.

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  1. Ok Most of You Know Me as The perosn Who makes funny Jokes
    But This Is real
    Why Do peole Bully Noobs
    Because Of There Questions An stuff
    That's so Wrong Well Noobs
    Stand up For YOUR RIGHTS
    Like Like Rosa Parks N ,Martin Luthar King Good Book Btw
  2. OP to 200M I KEEEP
  3. Seeing your stats , I'm sure none of us know you ? oh look another noob post
  4. Hmm Petta So Your Calling Me a Noob Well Judgeing Your stats There not that good Eather You were a Noob Too
  5. So Petta Is a Bully Now you All see So I say How about We give Them a Taste of there Medcine
  6. For the record, being a noob isn't such a bad thing. YODO, I'm a noob fuck it. Embrace that shit and kick ass!!!
  7. And petta Don't Judge A person By a Onlne Status -_- Life
  8. Wait, what does knowing OP have to do with anything?
  9. Idk He was Just being Stupid
  10. Most people simply don't like the noobs who beg for free money or begs others to make them a club. There's a lot of people out there who help smaller people when they ask, but I know I have no tolerance for people who beg me for help and does nothing to earn it.
  11. Well Kity that's A really good and smart Thing to say:)
  12. But I'm talkin about the Ones Who bully them for no reason
  13. I must be a bully... I call a lot of people "noobs" and "boobs"
  14. Spit that's TERRIBLE
  15. Stop hating on peeta, you're op let it go!
    This is the cutest post I've seen since when is PimD like MLK situation or rosa parks ? It's a game let it go, what makes you think this forum is going to make a difference cause its not. 
  16. Oh Bunnies Yuu think You're So smart -_- I'm standing up For bullying Noobs To make this Be stoped An Your One of Those Oh I'm so cool people Petta is judgein by Stats who Does that You judge By the Personality a friendlyness Unlike Him I know stuff BECAUSE I' WENT TO SCHOOL
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