[Bracket] War Incoming

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *-Anna- (02), Jun 3, 2014.

  1. I Just Wanted To Make A Club

    Vs: Abusive Clowns RP Mansion

    Join now

    I'm currently too lazy to do any kind of bb coding so blah

    It's 12 hours and it's starting in 4. Everyone will probably wish they were asleep, but why the hell shouldn't we have a war?!
  2. How bout no?

    Howe bout get out
  3.  Crystal?
  4. I GOT THIS, I have enough to almost BC ?
  5. It's gonna be like a 5 vs 1 pwar.
     smh.
  6. Shut ur mouth banana 
  7. Make me?

    Oh thats right you cant
    Cause this is just a gamec
  8. I have higher stats then royal ?
    I'm good
  9. A fictional inaccurate ass game
    based on college 

    Who wars in college? 
  10. I'll join abusives side if im on
  11. Don't join me ?
  12. Or them  I'm gonna forfeit