Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Jackskittletitel, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. New username?
  2. He almost said his first word
  3. Big mood
  4. I dunno what’s going on I’m just happy be along for the ride
  5. I like this thread it a like one of those ink blots where you make your own image....
  6. I immediately was like "looks like a gpc code" :cry:
  7. It’s one of those “wake up” codes where you’d say a certain word or phrase and it switches the mind of someone and they go kill the president or something big
  8. You mean like the word to trigger a sleeper agent?
  9. Yeah that I was drawing a blank at the term
  10. I looked it up in meet people, it’s just a super inactive account
  11. RIP [ATA]Marceline then i guess
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  12. I DIED... I shall protect her
  13. Ata members can’t die, what will a good amount of the player base be able to complain about?
  14. How they didn't get invited to the funeral ;( and we didn't get any inheritane in their wills!
  15. ^ solid points
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