
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by freeridechampion, Nov 30, 2021.

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  1. As my last question was deleted by some uptight child maybe if u answered the query instead of deleting it this game wouldn't be half full of underage kids and people training to be peados I look forward to whatever gibberish pish u reply with
    • Screen Shots or it didn’t happen.
  2. Screen shots of what I've been banned for nothing and I've been called a catfish because my Avi is a female
  3. You seem upset
  4. I'll state this again,

    Any further help regarding your ban needs to be submitted through a help ticket. You can convert your ss into links and include it in your appeal.

    Please avoid making duplicate threads. Locking.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Locking duplicate thread
    Muschi likes this.
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