Black Friday

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pullen, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Any good deals? I'm at Best Buy and I'm the first one there eating in line. Why is that? I'm kinda worried there is no good deals. I want to get 49inch toshiba for my grandma.
  2. What is black Fridays? Black people day?
  3. Hit up amazon
  4. Ha ha ha. Not funny. If you didn't tell my the way I typed that.

  6. 49inch? Why not a 60? Mess
  7. whaaa not even thanksgiving yet ? wot do you mean black friday? you're supposed to get phat and then burn off all those calories the next day...
  8. Save up your paycheck and wait for 50% off hypnocats ?
  9. Cyber Monday ftw
  10. You will save like 50$. Be proud of your accomplishment ?
  11. Sell your spot in a day and a half for $1000. That's a good deal
  12. Yassss he could buy ecs and dns and shizz and rule pimd. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
  13. Yeeee! Coz op is really active !

  14. go to hhgreg they got a 60 inch smart tv for $398 not sure what brand it is though
  15. like last year
  16. and that 5x cc ?
  17. 5x cc was to award us for giving them better rate, so they rewarded ppl with making them pay even more
    pimd's logic
  18. oh mah gawd goals ? I bet if you put VIP on PIMD on your resume, people would totally hire you ?
  19. That was before Black Friday 
  20. i know but i mean in general