Black BoS War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Radioactive-2, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Well since pinoys can have their own war for their race why can't we? I mean come on most of the Avis are white. And it's black history month (right?) so yeah. Lets do this. I need some help though.

    Trolls are welcome except for Una and spit
  3. Where my n words at?
  4. Idk they're probs hiding from the kkk
  5. Make it white babe
  6. I support OP!
  7. White girls are hot
    Cherry from immortals is hot
  8. I'm black but I don't need a reason to war just sign me up.
  9. Eh, am not white.

    I'm tan :eek:

    Anyway ammi not black but I'll join if its ok :s
  10. So by saying spit isn't aloud in your first post, then he's aloud, main topic has his name In it and you can't kick him
  11. Azdy
    whats your old username 
  12. wth is this dumb shit 
  13. How about black v white? 
  14. Allowed.. You dumb shit
  15. No black bos.. Aint nobody tryna organize a race war
  16. ^that was to lost guy
  17. There's a Pinoy war so shut up

    And yes I'm doing this so sign up
  18.  blue 